well change yur name ta da Riddler -wtf - uhm old - get'n senile - and muh eyez go'n bad - so i doan know wtf iz go'n on most of the time - so ya better spline it ta muh - dang :smiley_baby::smiley_badmood::smiley_cigar:
I was up at 4:30 you dizzy turd! I don't speed all my time on this devil machine. BTW Aternoon Geeeezer and the rest of you Dudes! :smiley_arrogant:rotflmao
Danny Boy spendin the time with the wifey and he's a little confused..... Must be at that shopping mall place.....
Well was out all day with the beagles again.... had about a half dozen runs and netted 3 bunnies.... Went 3 for 4 and am kicking my buddies azz he's like 0 for 6 and I told him he needs to get his friggin eyes checked and it's not the gun either hahahaha..... He's usually a good shot and rarley misses but and there's always a but.... He not starting off too goodz :smiley_clap: Later gaiters....
Mornin!!! I hate to say that, beings I haven't been to bed. Stupid drunks crash their van into a telephone pole and snap it in half, and then run off leaving it in the ditch for everyone else to clean up. Stupid fuggars.
Just thought I'd poke a coupla old dogz to git their blood flowin....as a public service kinda thing yaknow....apparently it werkd
:tantrum: laffmuhazzoff I luvs this lil smilie yeah I figgered gettin a lil blood flowin in one of you old geezers might knock loose some residual viagra in dem arteries and then someone's ol' lady might get lucky....again with the public service.....:smiley_crocodile:
MORNIN BOYZ! Snowin here, looks like a layaround/git to play in the garage day....wife is makin chickn&dumplinz fer dinner:smiley_clap::smiley_clap:
Oh mornin you toons.... Hope y'all are keepin warm and dry..... Rainin here so far but expectin the white stuff in here shortly.... Geezer throw another log on and COB mornin too you also.... Off for a cup of joe... Hoyt they makin them pole cheap down your way???? up here if you snap one of those babies off that vehicle ain't drivin anywhere.... Just sayin... Dang.....