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FOR SALE mossberg 695 bolt action slug gun

$200 very accurate , sighted in to hit almost same hole at 50 yards with open sights

comes with scope mounts but no rings


local pick up only please

ok this is really wierd i dont know if it was from some one on here , or some one who just happend to see it on here or what but im forever grateful , picked up the mail this morning with a letter with no return addy on it , opened it up , with a money order that said here is the money your asking for the 22 rifle , gotta call from post office saying i have another letter for you just like the first one from thismorning , with another money order for the price of the shotgun , with a hand writtin note saying i dont want to see you sell yer guns cause it wouldnt be deer or squirrel season with out you , not to many people know the reasoning be hind me selling them ( it was to get my car fixed once again ) anyway to make a long story short if it was from some one on here my heart felt grattitude goes out to you

now if i can just find some one to help me fix it .....lol


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
o you suck....lol , thats ok it may be sold here in the next hour

Hahaha thanks buddy, couldn't pass on the. 410 I'm a sucker for them lol.... plus I've always wanted an O/U :smiley_bird:

Wow, I just saw the post above.... that's frigging awesome Mark Congrats to you and way cool to the person (s) responsible Christmas a little early...
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this is the only place i have posted it , but i have told a few people round town they were up for sale and they knew my car took a huge crap on me, lower a arm went out , caliper sticks, 2 oil lines leakin and a tranny line leak , ithink i gotta good idea who it was but dont wanna throw names around till i know for sure, never buy a ford contour they are shit , when one thing breaks its like a domino affect averything goes


Junior Member
hi im in gnadenhutten,ohio down by uhrichsville i have a cve optima elite a brand new muzzleloader if your still interested in trading if you want pics let me know ill send some