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My hostility hunt


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
HE should be around 140 inches ehh?? Whats his spread??? Was he following does or not?

I honestly didn't tape him Zach. He fit my needs.

No does in the area. Guess I didn't really add many details of how he came in. Here comes the second chapter of my novel.

I passed on a button 15min prior. Saw the bb milling around looking for momma. BB came back through but it was a quick pass through. This is when I saw my buck through the binoculars in some thick stuff. I thought it was momma. Not really very big bodied compared to many of the ones i have watched this year. I really don't think he is very old. 3.5yrs at the oldest. He came out of the thick bedding area to the edge of the woods. Bedding area was due west. Tilled under cornfield was north of the bedding area and picked bean field was due south of the bedding area. He headed straight to the edge of the woods and acted like he was heading south to search for does. Milled around nibbling on this and that a bit and I grunted. No reaction. I grunted a little louder. No reaction. He was not in a hurry and i left some time in between grunts. Maybe a minute or so. Then i hit the big can call and followed with a series of 4 tending grunts through the grunt tube pointed behind me. He looked! Took two steps towards me and stopped to figure out why he was hearing this but seeing nothing. I lifted the fleece baclava facemask and covered my mouth. I did a snort wheeze with my mouth into the mask. Yes, I have been practicing while driving. haha Then I followed it with a long, low, irritated sounding grunt. This did the trick. He didn't bristle up and get pissed or anything. He still hadn't seen any deer to make him feel like he should be flexing his muscles yet. He did though, feel the need to head my direction very casually. He must have figured it was time to show some manhood just in case there was actually another buck in the area. He started rubbing a tree not 15yds away. Not violently, but rubbing. He was close. I was 15-18' up but in a telephone pole tree with zero cover. I drew while his head was close to the ground on the downstroke of the rub. Next time his head went down, I moved the bow over pointing towards him. Lined up the vitals and my 20/30/40 yard pins were all in the brown. I squeezed the release and it was game time! He took off forward instinctively. Then threw it in reverse to unwrap the antlers from the tree he was rubbing. Friggin' hilarious really! After that it was a waiting game. My arrow showed poop and belly hair. I waited over 4 hours. Gathered Hank, my buddy's dog, and two more friends to search for him. Four guys, two dogs, and 100yds or so later we had him!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Zach- I don't think so. First bow kill, so biggest bow kill obviously. My 2008 buck was 139 3/8 gross 9pt in my avatar photo. Netted 129 3/8. Taken with Remington 870. This buck has a broken brow, so there goes minus 10-12" off the bat. Oh well, I won't complain anymore since it was my first bow buck.

Mark my words guys. If I eat a bow tag the next 5 years waiting on a bigger one, you heard it hear first. Wall rule. Two nice bucks on the wall. One gun, one bow. The next ones need to be bigger. I am willing to eat the tags, and eat does all year if that is what it takes. You heard it hear first. Now, next year you can all bash me if I shoot a 110" deer. ahhahaha


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
Congrats Phil.

That is a great looking buck and one that is well deserved too. I was pulling for ya since I know you have had a season filled with the trespassers and all the other traffic through the woods. I'm glad you could get it done after dealing with all that BS Phil. Gives me and everybody else that has seasons like yours hope :D.

Congrats again Phil. You deserve a great buck like that one :D.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Zach- I don't think so. First bow kill, so biggest bow kill obviously. My 2008 buck was 139 3/8 gross 9pt in my avatar photo. Netted 129 3/8. Taken with Remington 870. This buck has a broken brow, so there goes minus 10-12" off the bat. Oh well, I won't complain anymore since it was my first bow buck.

Mark my words guys. If I eat a bow tag the next 5 years waiting on a bigger one, you heard it hear first. Wall rule. Two nice bucks on the wall. One gun, one bow. The next ones need to be bigger. I am willing to eat the tags, and eat does all year if that is what it takes. You heard it hear first. Now, next year you can all bash me if I shoot a 110" deer. ahhahaha

I just copied/pasted this post into a word doc and saved it as "Hicksvow"
:smiley_blink: Prolly some other guys did TOO.
So, you can expect a whole raft of shit if'n it goes different.
You just painted yerself into a corner buddy:smiley_blink:


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Zach- I don't think so. First bow kill, so biggest bow kill obviously. My 2008 buck was 139 3/8 gross 9pt in my avatar photo. Netted 129 3/8. Taken with Remington 870. This buck has a broken brow, so there goes minus 10-12" off the bat. Oh well, I won't complain anymore since it was my first bow buck.

Mark my words guys. If I eat a bow tag the next 5 years waiting on a bigger one, you heard it hear first. Wall rule. Two nice bucks on the wall. One gun, one bow. The next ones need to be bigger. I am willing to eat the tags, and eat does all year if that is what it takes. You heard it hear first. Now, next year you can all bash me if I shoot a 110" deer. ahhahaha

I've eaten mine the last 2 and working on 3 and never shot a deer that size.. Seen ones like it and bigger from the stand. But I'm like Greg. Unluckiest SOB ever to grace a stand.


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Southeast Ohio
Man Phil, that's a dandy buck, congratulations! I'm glad to see you do well after a long, frustrating season. When things aren't going your way, it can be really hard to make yourself go out there and hunt for countless hours, but when you stick a deer like that and all that hard work finally pays off, there is no better sense of satisfaction. Congrats buddy, that deer is well deserved!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Congrats on a great buck, Phil!!! I'm really happy for you man... you put in a lot of time and effort this season so I'm glad to see that it's paid off for you. That is a great buck and most of us on this site would have stuck an arrow in him! I'm guessing you caught just liver with the arrow, right? Just curious... I think it helps others any time you can describe a shot placement and tracking details!

Oh and I know what you're going through with the wife... mine bitches a fit any time I get a nice one, too. Just keep fighting the good fight... she'll eventually give in haha!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Prolly some other guys did TOO.
So, you can expect a whole raft of shit if'n it goes different.

Dan-If I am on the fence and it is close in size, then I can take it. I will take all the crap you guys can give me if I can get on deer similar to this one every year. It will be well worth the ribbing.

I was pulling for ya since I know you have had a season filled with the trespassers and all the other traffic through the woods. I'm glad you could get it done after dealing with all that BS Phil. Gives me and everybody else that has seasons like yours hope .

Thanks Adam. If I ate my tag this year, it would still be the best season ever. I don't know how many close encounters and sightings I have had with good deer this year, but it has been numerous. I am not bragging. I am just saying I have been very fortunate this year. Deer or no deer, best season ever. You can look up some of my old posts, I believe I already stated this earlier in the season. I actually think watching the 2 grey fox playing in the field and the one climbing 8-10' up a tree and then back down might be a bigger high light for me. Believe it or not. I have never seen a grey fox in the wild, let alone 2. I have seen several shooters this year.