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My rant for the day...


Now Posts as Jesse..
SE Ohio
Since this has been the topic of discussion this morning around the office, I’ll throw my thoughts on paper…

I will not be voting today. Call me a bad American. Tell me I can’t bitch. Say what you will about it. I agree to a certain extent that as an American, I should vote. I also agree that by not voting, I lose some right to bitch. However, I view the voting process like this: Voting is like masturbation. It feels great while you are doing it. Hell, even the thought of it gets the blood pumping. But in the end, you are really just fucking yourself. The entire system is screwed up and every politician has an agenda. By not voting, I avoid contributing to the problem.

I spent four years of my life attending a liberal arts institution in an extremely liberal city. I battled my conservative ass off those four year running political organizations, campaigning for candidates, even speaking at the house in favor of our CCW bill. I was interviewed for newspapers articles and appeared on TV. The only thing I got out of that experience was burnt out. I hate politics and it has gotten worse over the past few years. In my honest opinion, I cannot make a difference and I’m fooling myself by thinking I can. Or maybe it is just giving me false hope. Either way, I now see where I can make a difference in this world and it is not in the arena of self-indulgent politics. This country is in the hands of narcissistic, self-righteous, out of touch individuals and that will never change. It won’t change if I do vote for someone like John Kasich who I do believe to be one of the good guys. Although, I don’t consider any of them to be “good” per se…

I try to ignore what comes out of Columbus and Washington. In the end, it really doesn’t matter because it will be what it will be. My simple minded vote will not miraculously solve the plethora of issues plaguing this state and country. I take my stand by not voting and not contributing to the growing problem of feeding this sharks and letting them dictate our lives. I no longer affiliate myself with any party. I tell people that “Libertarian” best describes me. Yet, my Libertarian brethren will no doubt chastise my decision to not vote. But I say this: My red-blooded rights as an American entitles me to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. I love my life as a simple country boy. I love my liberty and all those who have fought and will fight to preserve and protect it. And my pursuit of happiness will not be hindered or affected by those in Columbus or Washington. I exercise my freedom of thought and action by taking no action. The only action I will take on this first Tuesday in November is to enjoy my life and ignore all the nonsense surrounding me.

If you voted today, God bless you. Thank you for having the faith, energy, desire, or what it may be that gives you the initiative to be part of a larger voice. Some of you might have made the right decisions. Then again, some of you might have contributed to the problems at hand. I’ll do neither and live with the consequences of both our actions…


Senior Member
As for your decision, that's your business. I'm glad that you're making an educated choice.

I certainly see where you are coming from. I attend one the most conservative schools in the nation where the biggest argument is between republicans, conservatives, and libertarians. I was at CPAC last year, and will be this year. I met the GOP candidates for senator and local rep this year. Last night I spent 2 hours (when I could have been working on homework or getting paid doing stuff for my job) calling people to ask them to vote and get out (Their response is so different when they hear "Are ya gettin out to vote tomorrow? God Bless!" than these other kids lol). That said, I'm ready for this crap to be over. My two buddies run our College Republican group and made nearly 10,000 calls and have knocked on thousands of doors - one will do this for a living in the near future. And they are ready for it be be done. [If I'm not too busy and exhausted to go, I'll be drinking free beer at a celebration part tonight]

Though you might choose to not participate Jesse, don't lose the faith. Your vote still counts and your actions do as well. It was simple country boys with their squirrel guns, outnumbered and lacking resources, that defeated the greatest nation in the world at the time. And have created what will always be the best place to live.

God Bless America!


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Just wanted to give you something to consider. It's estimated that around 56% of the voting population will hit the polls today. This means that 44% of the remainder either think like you, or are just unable to get out to vote. This also means that you are allowing 56% of the voting population to make choices for you and the rest of the 44%, and that's enough motivation for me to cast my ballot.

If you have 8 minutes to spare today watch this video, it somewhat relates to this topic: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=muHg86Mys7I


Removed by Request.
Another motivator: Having the opportunity to tell Nancy Pelosi "YOU'RE FIRED!"


Dignitary Member
Staff member
You guys are idiots. Voting above all else is the most important and precious right we as Americans have. You're vote may not matter as a single ballot. Did one single person fight the revolutionary war? Did one single person pick up a musket and volunteer. NO. Together, united, as a whole, we defeated taxation without representation from an oppressive crown. Together as a whole of individuals that gave you the right to vote today. Together, united, as a whole, voting we will gradually begin to turn things around... Faster than gradually actually. Look at the shift from just two years ago. Today you are sitting on the eve of one of those changes. Two years ago the country was enthralled by a messiah and blindly followed him to the depths of socialistic hell. Individuals gathered. Individuals Marched. Individuals spread the word. Individuals let their voice be herd. Those individuals have been labeled the "Tea Party" They are not a "party", they are individual Americans! They are sick and tired of the crap from their elected representatives.. They as a whole have had Democrats AND republicans singing a different tune. THEY have shaped how Washington, and politicians in general view their voting public.... Each of them and individual... Each of them fed up.... The dire unrest, anger, and radical abandonment of politics as usual you see in this country today is due to a two year struggle by individuals.. Single people making a difference as a whole... People who went to their state house and rallied, Picketed their city hall, went to town hall meetings and asked tough question.. All across America INDIVIDUALS took this constitutional right of free speech and assembly, Exercised that right and MADE A DIFERENCE... Today INDIVIDUALS, not a "party" is shaping America..

Your Vote Counts! As a collective, as a whole, as someone who is fed up... It sets a precedence that as individuals united as a whole we Americans are not going to take it. We Americans can make a little change of our own.... A drastic shift from two years ago. States are now taking back their right. States are now launching lawsuits against the federal government. States are saying to the federal government "You know what? SCREW YOU".. You know why? Because the individuals of those states have DEMANDED it.

Do you think I argued with Jeffmo because I enjoyed his company? Or because I wanted to waste time? NO. I argued with that libtard because I wanted to expose the stupidity of liberalism. I! An Individual! Decided to take the fight to the enemy. I! An Individual! Stood up for what I knew was right. I! An Individual! Fought liberal ideology. I! An Individual! Exposed it’s failed logic at every turn.. And I! An Individual! VOTED!


*Supporting Member*
Massillon, Ohio
I will definately vote. It may not seem like my one vote will not count, but I am voting anyway. I want change and I want to be able to say my vote helped in making that change!


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
I have been on the fence about voting for sometime now. I have voted in every election since I was 19 and for the past several years have thought a lot like you Jesse. I watch all the champagne ads and see the crapola mud slinging and watch people voted into office bite the hands that put them there. They say they will do this, this, and that if elected and once they get in office they do the complete opposite.

For me, I don't feel the people in office nor half of the people running against them should be put in office. Too many FAT CATS out there looking out for their own wallets rather then helping the PEOPLE.

Here is another thing that goes with the " Things that make you go HMMMM. " thread.

Why do you only hear about the Dems and Republican party candidates running for office and not any of the other parties candidates ?


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Why do you only hear about the Dems and Republican party candidates running for office and not any of the other parties candidates ?

In the case of most libertarians the DNC filed hundreds of frivolous lawsuits against them to waste their time and money with litigation. This is because the Dems want the undecided or “independent” vote.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I voted. Didn't like my choices in many elections, but don't like what is going on. There were a few races I did not vote on. I did not feel as if I had done enough research to make an educated vote. Therefore, 3 were left blank. 2 of them were running unopposed. haha


Now Posts as Jesse..
SE Ohio
FYI.. Suckland is winning washington county by 198 votes. :p

To the uneducated fool like myself, the neither surprises me, nor bothers me all that much. Strickland has been a political figure my entire life. If the NRA and the other gun/hunting/outdoor folks continue to endorse him, then surely the man is my friend on that front. I honestly don't know. And honestly, doing the work to find out is not something that crosses my mind. Ever...