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Neck shots


Senior Member
Joe was that the kid on OS. I was thinking he said the liver or the lung was on the ground. I can't remember exactly. But that was a funny one.

The guy in the first picture didn't shoot the deer in the neck on purpose.

And I have seen a piece of lung along a blood trail and the deer wasn't found.


Retired to the happy hunting grounds above.
It's a know fact a deer can be kill by shooting it in the neck with bow and arrow. NOT a high percentage shot though. The boiler room give much better results! No I do not take neck shots. All mine have died of arrow liver disease!:smiley_bril::smiley_adfundum:


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Archery gear and tackle on a neck shot no, but with a shotgun or muzzy, yes. Drops them in ther tracks. An arrow doesn't have the knock down a slug has. If I were to glance a shot into the neck I would give it at least several hours before tracking unless I saw him pile up from my tree.
poor deer , just walking along , minding its own bussiness, chewing on its cud, then ya hear ting and a burning sensation in its neck, it tries to turn its head to look at what shot it and it keeps poking its self in the butt with the fletching which makes it run faster cause now it thinks some ones chasing it hitting it with a stick on its butt , and blam it runs into a tree and breaks its neck , thats how that deer died