My prayers go to you and your family Stace! You're like a brother buddy! Hang in there! I worry about your father TOO! Your mom will be joining Stan and my Dad in heaven soon and that should bring you and I some peace and comfort buddy. Like my M-I-L Carolyn, she's been in so much pain and discomfort with this cancer that I just pray that God takes her from it as tenderly as he can. I feel so bad for my wife as her and her mother were like best friends and did alot together. Death is so final, but realizing that those we love are in a much better place surrounded by love and eternal life everlasting with God our maker, makes it easier to cope with. Hang in there Stacey, my prayers are with you.
Stacey, this is a great site and so much better than the other one. They are some great guys who are just as ate up with deer huntin' like our group we hang with, but I'm not sure any of em has ever fried up a deers tongue and ate it or tried eatting a acorn! .....but you never know with these dudes!