Wife is due in four weeks and is miserable and I gave her my cold I had all christmas break. I feel bad because she is waddling around the house and coughing a storm. So I told her I would stay home so she could rest today ,She wakes up early and wants to go to wally world so I stay home with the little one. The gets back from the store, driving my car no biggie, until she says get the shelf I bought still nothing to worry about until I see were she put it and how heavy it is. See I placed my. 243 and new bog pod tri pod on the floor in the back since it started snowing incase I see a coyote Yesterday. That damn shelf was on top of my gun case and it weighed a ton. I was dragging the box in when I said hope my gun and tripod aren't broke and she said why where is it and I told her. Her response was oh didn't know it was there. I was steaming mad. Gonna pull the gun out and check it and the pod.........she can't figure out why I am so pissy now......don't want to get in a yelling match with a prego... thanks for the ears.
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