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New Duck Gun


*Supporting Member*
I used to shoot Kent . Hevi metal makes em more deader. Lol . Kents cheaper and shoots well . Biut using Hevi I kill more , in fewer shots including cripple mop up .


Senior Member
Ina Duck Blind
Try some diff shells Jesse . I do shoot 3.5" shells but try out the hevi metal shell . They make stuff dead . I shoot2s out of my close range Carlson choke and kill em out to 50 yds or so .

Seen first hand what 20-30 yard shots due with his setup, DEADLY.... feathers are flying and birds are dying!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I switched to hevi metal before last season and I'll never look back. Like Jake said, it just flat out makes stuff dead... Deader than any dead ducks kent produced for me in years past. I like the idea of trying different loads before switching guns, but honestly I dont care much for the Vinci so personally I'd switch guns first. Lol no offense. I shoot 3.5" 3s and they kill the shit out of geese and ducks alike. 28" barrel, kicks high flyer full choke. Overkill?... Some might say yes... But I don't care much for chasing or swatting cripples.

You try what you want Jesse. Me personally, I'd never buy a duck gun that only shoots 3" shells. I want that versatility in a gun. I've hunted amongst damn near every duck gun out there over the years. A buddy of mine has an sx2 and has had nothing but problems. The Brownings, Benellis, and Berettas have been the most reliable I've seen. When they've had problems, its been due to owner negligence. Whether its a gas gun or recoil-driven, the biggest issue is too much oil applied during cold weather. Pf10 is good oil... I just run my gun dry when it gets cold.

Go shoulder a few guns and see what you like. As you know, you dont aim a shotgun, you point it... Its all about feel and instinct. If it doesn't feel natural or the sight picture doesn't suit you, you're probably not going to like the results.


Staff member
I guess here's where I'm at...

I'm shooting Winchester Hi-Velocity 3" BB or Remington 3" HyperSteel 2s out of a Carlson Mid-Range. Jake makes me think I should try my Close Range with some Hevi-Shot. I can hold my own shooting trap, but I'm just not getting the kills I think I should be getting. I can tell him hitting birds, I'm just not knocking them down. I also shoot my Mossberg O/U MUCH better than the Benelli, so I know there are other guns out there I can pick up and probably out shoot myself with that Vinci.

I'll get some Hevi-Shot for the weekend and use my Close Range choke.


Senior Member
You couldn't pay me to shoot remington shells. I'm not impressed with them at all.

I have shot hevi metal. Its a bad ass shell. Hevi metal #2 will kill anything urn gonna hunt

The thing you.need to remember Jesse when ur shooting trap urn shooting lead. And a clay pigeon breaks way easier than a duck falls. That's why all your companies started making tungston and bismuth. Then Hevi metal came out. It doesn't hit like lead but its a he'll of a let better than steel.

Me, I shoot cheap shot. Something wrong with my gun. When it goes off once it goes off three times. Id.go.broke shooting hevi metal all the time


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I guess here's where I'm at...

I'm shooting Winchester Hi-Velocity 3" BB or Remington 3" HyperSteel 2s out of a Carlson Mid-Range. Jake makes me think I should try my Close Range with some Hevi-Shot. I can hold my own shooting trap, but I'm just not getting the kills I think I should be getting. I can tell him hitting birds, I'm just not knocking them down. I also shoot my Mossberg O/U MUCH better than the Benelli, so I know there are other guns out there I can pick up and probably out shoot myself with that Vinci.

I'll get some Hevi-Shot for the weekend and use my Close Range choke.

Have you patterned those loads on a board yet? If you haven't truly patterned your gun I'd do that first, above all other things. If you're hitting birds with BBs and 2s, but they're not going down, that tells me you're not hitting them very hard. Whether it's a 3" or 3.5" shell matters not when only 1 or 2 pellets hit the bird. You gotta find a load that your gun/choke patterns well... period. Another thing you might discover while patterning is that your pattern may not be centered on where you're pointing. Case in point... you say your Mossy O/U shoots better than the Benelli... It's very possible that the length of pull is different between the two guns, resulting in a high or low pattern. Your Benelli should have come with a shim kit. You may need to add or remove shims to center up your pattern.

You couldn't pay me to shoot remington shells. I'm not impressed with them at all.

I have shot hevi metal. Its a bad ass shell. Hevi metal #2 will kill anything urn gonna hunt

The thing you.need to remember Jesse when ur shooting trap urn shooting lead. And a clay pigeon breaks way easier than a duck falls. That's why all your companies started making tungston and bismuth. Then Hevi metal came out. It doesn't hit like lead but its a he'll of a let better than steel.

Me, I shoot cheap shot. Something wrong with my gun. When it goes off once it goes off three times. Id.go.broke shooting hevi metal all the time

Couldn't agree more. Remington duck loads are total fuckin garbage. They are by far the worst I've ever shot... and the Winchesters are a close second, IMO. Kent Fasteel is the best standard steel load IMO. Hevi-Metal is fairly expensive, but well worth it. I find that I actually use less shells to kill the same amount of birds. And I typically by it by the case so it there's some cost savings there.


Staff member
I patterned the Remington at 40 yards with a Mid-Range choke and it put enough pellets on paper to work, so I'm inclined to think I'm simply bouncing pellets off birds on the 25-35 yard shots we've been getting. I just bought them because that's about all our Dunhams sells and the BBs are left from the case I bought to go to Missouri a few years back. I'll get some Hevi-Shot and give it a run.

I'm not sure if I have a shim kit or not. Never thought about it honestly. I did notice the other day I really had to bury the gun in my cheek to get on target. It would feel more natural if my cheek plate was raised a bit.


Senior Member
Ina Duck Blind
Unlike most on here I bought a case of Hevi Metal #2s and just wasn't getting the kills I wanted. I wanted too like them and give them a far shot ( I killed A LOT of shit with them, ask Jake) but my gun truly shoots black cloud better all day long. I don't care if I'm killing ducks or geese, or if I'm shooting BB, 2's, or 3's.... with black cloud its dying! I shoot an Improved cylinder since the SX3 is backbored and 3" or 3.5" B.C. shells hold a tight pattern with the wad system they have. I def will not say Hevi Metal is junk by any means but each gun/choke patterns different, for me it's B.C.


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Do any of y'all reload??? Up front cost too get everything is high but if y'all pull your resources it brings the cost down dramatically.... I reload 410 shells 3" 5 shot for around 5.00 a box.... 16.50 at stores.....
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Senior Member
I patterned the Remington at 40 yards with a Mid-Range choke and it put enough pellets on paper to work, so I'm inclined to think I'm simply bouncing pellets off birds on the 25-35 yard shots we've been getting. I just bought them because that's about all our Dunhams sells and the BBs are left from the case I bought to go to Missouri a few years back. I'll get some Hevi-Shot and give it a run.

I'm not sure if I have a shim kit or not. Never thought about it honestly. I did notice the other day I really had to bury the gun in my cheek to get on target. It would feel more natural if my cheek plate was raised a bit.
I highly doubt at 30 yards pellets are bouncing off ducks. Ha maybe.at 60 yds. I agree with jimbo. You probably are only hitting them with one or two pellets


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Sunbury, OH
JohnR cut open:

Winchester - best description is from him. It looked like slag off of a metal work shop floor.

Blind Side - Better but still not very uniform.

Hevi Shot - better yet but MANY totally misshapen shapes (not the intentional out of round they have). They have worked well so hard to dispute.

Kent - perfectly uniform

I will continue to use Kent and Hevi Shot. Kent patterns better on a board at 40 yards. We will see when I need to resupply.
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Participation Trophy Winner
JohnR cut open:

Winchester - best description is from him. It looked like slag off of a metal work shop floor.

Blind Side - Better but still not very uniform.

Hevi Shot - better yet but MANY totally misshapen shapes (not the intentional out of round they have). They have worked well so hard to dispute.

Kent - perfectly uniform

I will continue to use Kent and Hevi Shot. Kent patterns better on a board at 40 yards. We will see when I need to resupply.

It wasn't blind side,but black cloud it was the second most uniform behind kent out of the 4.

Heavy metal had a seed filler in it just below the crimp. The uniform was not a whole lot better than the Winchester.

And Kent looked like perfect bearings.


Junior Member
If stuff isn't dropping out of the sky like you want just get a SP-10,,with #4 hevi shot anything within 6oyds. is fair game,,and I've shot geese a little farther than that when they have landed short of our spread and I was pissed.....right Curran


Junior Member
Ok I guess I will sum this up. If you want to buy a new gun go out and buy one. Patterning ur gun might find a answer you want. Maybe $3 a round hevi shot might help. Maybe the gravitational pull of the earth might be more prominent if your area inhibiting your shot pattern. Maybe the ducks you are trying to kill aregenetically enhanced and have thicker bullet proof skin....haha...let's not over think this they are just ducks