Yea english are usually shorter and stockier, while American labs stand taller and leaner. Its all personally prefernce IMO, I was looking for a good mix honestly. This dogs mother was a english but she wasnt real short like most and the father was a mix between american and english. Im hoping to get a good mix between the two so hes not real lean but not short and stocky either. Hes def got a giant head, looks like a grizz bear cub but I think alot of that baby fat will thin out and he will turn into a perfect size lab. Im not on a boat much and mainly field/swamp hunt, so size wasnt the biggest concern but I still want him to be versatile. Def shouldnt have a problem handling geese :smiley_blink:
Trying to locate and find as many people as a can to hunt with next year just to put as many birds in front of him as possible bc I truely believe thats the only way a dog relates and learns properly.
Trying to locate and find as many people as a can to hunt with next year just to put as many birds in front of him as possible bc I truely believe thats the only way a dog relates and learns properly.