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New Forum.... Dead Deerz Picture Wall.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member

I'm putting these pics in order of harvest. I shot this one with an old 70's model Precision when I was 17 back in 1991. He made Pope and Young with a final score of 131.

I had been on a long drought due to college and lack of time in the woods. It's my smallest mount, but it still brings back memories (2001).

This one I just missed getting a shot on the day before. Moved my set up and got him the next day (2003).

I had to wade knee deep in a frozen lake and pull him out of ice he broke through. (2005)

I wasn't going to shoot this one until I saw him carrying his front leg. After scoring his good side, he would have been around 135 if both sides were the same. (2006)

My first kill with my new Pse (2007)

Every buck I posted is from Mingo Sportsman Club except the plain set of antlers that are funky looking. In fact, they are all from the same hollow and almost same exact spot.

I'm very excited to get this years back. Hopefully Santa brings him.

You guys have some awesome bucks posted here. Congrats to all of you.


Senior Member
Cotty that 2006 buck is a sweet looking one, score's cant add up that character!


Senior Member
Thanks Cotty, I dont remember if I congratulated you or not on your buck, so if I didnt congrats! Thats a dandy! Cant wait to see what it scores!

OF all my deer the wide 9 I shot in 07 is by far my fav. THe Lucky Ten I shot in 08 was probably one of the msot emotional kills I have ever had, with the history involved etc... Although, the 07 buck is by far the prettiest deer I have ever killed. His neck, his coat, his rack, everything is just gorgeous about him. THe Gerninator has one that looks almost identical to him, and I think he shot it the same year! They also scored almost identical! Although it seems that each deer has a very unique story that goes with it. Maybe I am a bit sentimental when it coems to my deer

from top to bottom in the photos I posted:

2002, first buck I ever killed. I had been bowhunting since 96, but I refused to shoot a basket rack.

03, THis buck is not pictured, I need to find photos of it. It was my first archery buck

04, My first P&Y buck

05, I started the hunt by forgetting my boots, so I was wearing slip on brown shoes. HE was bedded 60 yards from me all night and didnt know it until he got up. He was my first BBBC deer.

06, I was playing cat and mouse with this deer all bow season. I had him at 10 yards, and wasnt able to get a shot. All the while my best friend who used to hunt this property with me was in the hospital battling cancer at 23. I Would keep getting him updates and tellnig him about him. I made a promise to him Id kill this deer for him. On Nov 23 I finally did. He lost his battle with cancer a few short months later!

07, I had no history with this deer, it was the first time I had ever seen him. HE was with a group of 4 does. One of the does busted me and snorted, he didnt pay attention. HE walked to the exact same spot that I shot my buck in 05. HE was my second BBBC buck.

08, anyone who knows me knows the battle I had with this deer. It started off in August by me getting photos of him in Velvet. I hunted this deer hard, I mean very hard. HE was a master of seclusion under the darkness of night. On October 22 He came in and was at 40 yards. I shot and hit a tree limb, it knocked my arrow down and I actually nipped his armpit. I was sick. I actually hunted and slept so little for 11 days straight that I made myself miserably sick, literally. I Called off work just to hunt this deer. FInally on Halloween he came slinkering into his bedding area about 830 am, I Smoked him at 22 yards. I Will admit, I broke down when I got my hands on him!

09, Got a new piece of property to hunt last year. GOt photos of this buck, knew he wasnt big enough. On halloween he came strolling in and I had a brain glitch. HE was at 30 yards and I shot him. HE turned when I shot him. I caught the back of the right lung and the arrow came out just in front of his left rear quarter. I watched this deer run over 400 yards in an open field. We found him he next day about 30 feet from where I Saw him last!
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Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NW Ohio Tundra
Thanks Cotty, I dont remember if I congratulated you or not on your buck, so if I didnt congrats! Thats a dandy! Cant wait to see what it scores!

OF all my deer the wide 9 I shot in 07 is by far my fav. THe Lucky Ten I shot in 08 was probably one of the msot emotional kills I have ever had, with the history involved etc... Although, the 07 buck is by far the prettiest deer I have ever killed. His neck, his coat, his rack, everything is just gorgeous about him. THe Gerninator has one that looks almost identical to him, and I think he shot it the same year! They also scored almost identical! Although it seems that each deer has a very unique story that goes with it. Maybe I am a bit sentimental when it coems to my deer

You talking about this one?



Senior Member
Too many 130 inch bucks runnnig around, I gotta fulfill my itchy trigger thumb some how. Unfortunately for this doe last ngiht she got the raw end of the deal!