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Nice to know


Senior Member
Supporting Member
that there some good people around still. I was at the albany walmart today to get some food for the beagle. I only had 13 bucks on my me, thought i had more. So i go to check out and im about a dollar short, so i tell the lady i'll just go home and get some more money, no big deal, and i put the dog food back. on my way out, a guy stops me and says how short were u on the dogfood bud. i say its fine i dont wanna take his money. he says how short did u come up on that dogfood son? i saw just a dollar but i dont want your money ill just run home. he says here and hands me a 5 dollar bill (and i saw a ton of ones his wallet). i felt like an idiot but it made me think about how some people are just nice, i hope i run into this fellow again some day when im rich :smile:
i know, long story for a short point.
just thought id share.


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Well Mound there are a lot of good people out there you just wade throught the bad ones and not let them ruin it for you... Congrats on finding a good one.... And thanks for acknowledging them also... Pass it on....


Senior Member
Yes sir there are.

After getting guided and sitting in Adam's stands all day, of course I stopped to help the lady who hit a deer in front of me. Gotta pass it on.

Let us know what ya do for someone else moundhill, maybe we can keep this thread going as we pass things on TOO others.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Awesome buddy... There are good people out there. You just can't let the bad ones make you jaded.

Was coon hunting last night and was driving home about 12:15 on US 40. A guy about 300 yards up the road is weaving back and forth. I got out the phone to call it in as he was obviously drunk. Then he went right and BAM. Smacked the curled end of a guardrail at 55 MPH and rolled the Saturn Vue down a hill into a cut corn field... We pull up and i hand the phone to george while i go down the hill to what i thought was going to be a dead drunk. He plowed up a good 30 yards of this guardrail and rolled twice landing right side up.... Dude hops out of the SUV like nothing happened.. First words out of his mouth "I tried to miss that deer" "Ok buddy i believe you, come up here and have a seat." No I'm fine i need to walk around.. It was then i noticed this dude wasn't drunk at all. He had just fallen asleep. Nice guy.. Called triple A.. I waited until the sheriff patrol got there and we went home.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Thats crazy jack, good thing he was ok. now thats how you meet people haha

Out driving the roads coon hunting at night you meet all kinds. I will not hijack you but i have a funny one from last night that I'll post in the coon hunting thread.
thats like when i was selling my two guns to get my car fixed , no one on here knew i was sellingthem to fix the car, anyway i got two money orders in the mail for the prices of the guns and a note saying deer season or squirrel season wouldnt be the same with out ya, i still dont know who sent them, and it didnt help cause the car is gonna cost close to 1800 bucks to fix , the tranny just went out , so im putting that money towards a down payment


Senior Member
Supporting Member
thats like when i was selling my two guns to get my car fixed , no one on here knew i was sellingthem to fix the car, anyway i got two money orders in the mail for the prices of the guns and a note saying deer season or squirrel season wouldnt be the same with out ya, i still dont know who sent them, and it didnt help cause the car is gonna cost close to 1800 bucks to fix , the tranny just went out , so im putting that money towards a down payment
On cherokeeforum.com there was a thread about a guy that was broken down, and people on the site all ptched in and helped the fellow fix his jeep, i guess the guy didnt have the money to fix it and it was neat how so many people jumped in to help him.
its sad that people who dont know each other will do that , but i cant even get my father in laws church that he is a pastor at chip in to give a needy family a good christmas , ive tried three years in a row to get em to do that and still they wont do it


Dignitary Member
Staff member
its sad that people who dont know each other will do that , but i cant even get my father in laws church that he is a pastor at chip in to give a needy family a good christmas , ive tried three years in a row to get em to do that and still they wont do it

A southern Baptists preacher once said from the pulpit

"Half of yall sitting out there in them pews is going to hell"

But you know what? That preacher was wrong.. I think there's whole churches full of them..
exactly , couldnt have said it better myself , i dont have to go to church every sunday or give 10 percent of my earings a week to coat the pastors pocket , o man im gonna have to start a thread on this subjecy cause im pretty sure not alot of people know the true inside and outs of a church like i do


Now Posts as Jesse..
SE Ohio
exactly , couldnt have said it better myself , i dont have to go to church every sunday or give 10 percent of my earings a week to coat the pastors pocket , o man im gonna have to start a thread on this subjecy cause im pretty sure not alot of people know the true inside and outs of a church like i do

I'm a Christian, but not a churchy person. Religion is what you make it, it's personal. I believe you have a duty to pass it forward regardless of how you go about it. It might be archery, helping a stranger, donating money, etc. I've been blessed to see some amazing acts of kindness in my life. And when you have some vices of your own, doing good things is always good for your karma!


Senior Member
Supporting Member
I know this threads old, but had something similar happen today, only i was on the giving end...
I was out shooting my bow a little today and noticed a guy and his little girl walking up to my neighbors door holding a snow shovel. My nighor didnt answer so he walks over to my house. He says he is trying to make some money to help pay for holiday expenses. He said he lived right down the road and was going door to door, and asking to shovel peoples driveways. The little neighbor hood he lives in is a real poor neghbor hood. So i kinda feel for this guy, and tell him to go ahead and shovel it. (I had already shoveled it this morning but there was another inch or two that hit after). At this time my dad was home, but sleeping (he works nights) and mom was at work. So i pulled out the wallet and gave him some money to do the driveway. He turned out to be a pretty nice dude. We talked for easily a half hour about hunting. He said that in the past he had killed some nice bucks with his bother in laws gun, but he had lost one in a fire, and on the other the taxidermist screwed him over. anyhow, it was nice talking the guy and was glad i could help him out.


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
That's what lifes about... Giving back... I try to help out as much as I can and I know it will eventually come back ten fold... I don't expect it but just know it will happen.... Nothing like helping people out and the look on their faces are priceless..... Seems most people are shocked that someone will go out of their way to help them out when it should be second nature......


Senior Member
Supporting Member
He was about my hieght had dark hair wih some grey in it, he was wearing a camo coat. He had is little daughter with him. Was that at your moms?