I am sending the signed agreement to purchase back on my purchase. I ended up purchasing a Shaver Pro Series 165 outdoor wood burner made by Weld Rite. It qualifies for the $1500 tax credit. I will now be heating my home, shop, and hot water with it. When you figure it was costing $1600 to heat the home prior to my purchase of the other outdoor wood burner, and it costs us approximately $300/yr to heat the shop, and I will save a bit on the electric bill by heating my hot water, I anticipate a 2- 2.5 yr payback. Not too shabby. It could end up being shorter, it will depend on how much I am able to sell the old outdoor wood burner for. Looking forward to taking delivery of this soon! Now I just need to go fire up the backhoe and start breaking the frozen ground in order to access "The Bank of Phil". Sure hope I can find where I buried it. With all the snow covering the ground it might be a little tough.