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No Till Food Plots - So Easy


*Supporting Member*
When we started Vitalize Seed we absolutely did not want to go with the flow. We wanted to bring agronomic science, regen Ag and wildlife foodplot strategies all together.

We’ve been fortunate to then get to work with gardeners and farmers - helping them to understand the benefits of cover cropping, biological processes, conventional agronomic practices and how it can all fit together for their goals.

None of this has come easy or without ridicule. However, we continue to keep our nose to the grind stone and work hard for our customers to bring you the best scientific backed products we can think up.

On this table, we are looking at big money in piles of testing including tissue, soil and biological.

Time has been spent on the phone with our partners @wardlabs reviewing data and drawing correlations between data points so we can further be more educated on our products and situations to help all our customers and growers.

As long as Jared and I run this company - we promise to continue always keep learning.


*Supporting Member*
We recommend 45lbs to the acre of NitroBoost. The reason is because we want to optimize the ratios of plants and not over or under crowd them. For a summer cover crop this is perfect. However, some folks have high deer densities - in this case they may bump up the seeding rate to mitigate the risk of over browsing. All that being said this right picture was planted at 45-48lbs to the acre, drilled. Here we are a few weeks from planting carbon load and this field is still putting on above and below ground biomass.

Feeding wildlife and soil!!


*Supporting Member*
We use the absolute best forage varieties we can source. This small plot of Nitorboost is still feeding wildlife and soil because of this!

Sure some weeds are in here but the deer are absolutely hammering the field (as seen by exclusion fence in background).

We do this in our carbon load as well. We don’t just use tuber prodcution brassicas but also forage varieties. This allows us to maximize production per acre for both soil and wildlife!!



*Supporting Member*
Before you dump fertilizer down - you might want to consider how they move in the soil.

As always - I hope this helps!