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No Till Food Plots - So Easy


*Supporting Member*
One of my favorite things about owning Vitalize Seed is helping customers with their soil sample understanding, process of taking samples, and a plan to implement going forward on their slice of heaven.

Saturday mornings this time of year are busy ones to keep up with the customers needs and we wouldn’t have it any other way.

Have a great weekend yall!!



*Supporting Member*
Wanted to give a shout out to Albert on on this ⬆️. I was working on some my soil samples in the last week or so and reached out to him. He provided sound advice/guidance and was gracious and kind.

Thank you sir and Best Wishes for your business.
Thank you!!
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*Supporting Member*
One of the things that drove me to start Vitalize Seed, was my passion for growing tomatoes 🍅 each year -which in turn fueled my passion for soil health!

Well it’s that time of year again and the heirloom varieties I’ve continued to harvest seeds from (my wife’s grandpas from Italy) will be started soon. I’ll also plant some Romas and beefsteaks that I harvested from last year as well.

I’ve filled my starter containers with soil. I then coat the soil with our Seed Feed product and Seed Armr+. These are humic based products that’ll provide nutrients and good bacteria to the soil - allowing my seedlings to get off to the very best of starts. When using these products on larger settings - it’s the same idea but we just put it directly on the seed - as a seed coat.

We don’t blindly use or recommend products. We use them!! From our farms to gardens to test areas - we continue to test and improve to the best of our ability, to bring y’all the best products available.

We appreciate you all! If you want to give your seed a jump start - consider our Seed Feed product for your seeds.



*Supporting Member*
Never cleaning the table -

This will absolutely result in better wildlife and more wildlife on your farms. Yes, you need to continue to manage timber, populations, natives, etc.

However, when you combine all those with a highly diverse mix - like our Carbon Load - that feeds soils, bugs and wildlife all year - you’ll be amazed at the amount of wildlife that show up over and over again.

We are managing our fields as micro ecosystems that play a small part on the macro level management side of things.

Get outside and enjoy the outdoors!! It’s almost time for Spring NitroBoost Planting!