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Non-Resident license fees to increase


*Supporting Member*
New Hampshire
The big question here is where will the extra money collected by raising NR license fees go? From what I've read on this site most of you residents are very unhappy with the way the ODNR has handled the hunting and especially the deer herd in your state. If this extra money is going to help improve the quality of hunting in Ohio I'm more than glad to pay my fair share. Unfortunately whenever a government raises fees or taxes the money rarely goes anywhere except in to someones pockets.


Junior Member
Increase or not, I'm not going to stop hunting Ohio, if the license goes up. I hunt NJ, because I live here, and it's as shitty as it gets. Bait piles every 200 yards, high pressured state land, sandy soil, no real food sources, where a 110" is considered a monster. I spend close to $300/year to hunt in my own state, and get little in return. The point is, if I have to pay more, I will, because it's something I love to do. I hope the guys that are anti NR's, don't ever leave Ohio to hunt. I'd hate for them to go on a farm in Missouri and kill a deer a neighbor has been watching for 3 years. That wouldn't be fair


Staff member
The big question here is where will the extra money collected by raising NR license fees go? From what I've read on this site most of you residents are very unhappy with the way the ODNR has handled the hunting and especially the deer herd in your state. If this extra money is going to help improve the quality of hunting in Ohio I'm more than glad to pay my fair share. Unfortunately whenever a government raises fees or taxes the money rarely goes anywhere except in to someones pockets.

Most of us want to see it reinvested in not only whitetails, but habitat and improvements that will benefit all wildlife here in Ohio. Like I mentioned in my previous post: habitat acquisition, habitat improvements, educational programs, etc. are all good uses of these funds. I don't want us to fleece NR residents just increase the bottom line. I want to see NR pay more so we can ALL do more here to improvement the status quo. Subsequently, I'll be happier that we are properly valuing our resources so that we can make improvements to further increase the value of all things...


Junior Member
I would support a raise in NR tags across the board, Ohio has missed the boat when it comes to getting what it is worth. About 5 years ago I traveled to Alabama for a rut hunt in January, it cost me 150.00 for a deer only 3 day hunt. Do I think it will stop NR from coming to Ohio, No but the new money will hopefully go to obtaining new land for hunting. I am in the minority believe me when it comes to hunting Strouds Run, if you don't think so just come through the park on any day in November and tell me how many Ohio plates are there besides mine.


*Supporting Member*
Mahoning Co.
Increase or not, I'm not going to stop hunting Ohio, if the license goes up. I hunt NJ, because I live here, and it's as shitty as it gets. Bait piles every 200 yards, high pressured state land, sandy soil, no real food sources, where a 110" is considered a monster. I spend close to $300/year to hunt in my own state, and get little in return. The point is, if I have to pay more, I will, because it's something I love to do. I hope the guys that are anti NR's, don't ever leave Ohio to hunt. I'd hate for them to go on a farm in Missouri and kill a deer a neighbor has been watching for 3 years. That wouldn't be fair

The Division of Wildlife gets no money from the general fund. Their money comes from license sales, fines, donations and Pittman Robertson. Wanting to raise prices has nothing to do with being anti-NR it has to do with charging fair market value. By next summer all my kids will be NRs, if the want to hunt around here they will have to buy NR tags.

When you compare Ohio's license fees to other states Ohio is a bargain for NRs but not so much for residents. I've been looking at some out of state hunting and it's not unusual for many states to charge NRs 7-10x more then residents. Ohio charges less then 3x more. I don't really think the hunting license should be higher but deer tags, turkey tags, and wetland stamps should be higher.


*Supporting Member III*
I'm with runhunter.... increase or not I'm still coming to hang out with you fellas in November :) Heck, we charge non residents out the nose to come to Disney World and they still show up by the millions. Deer hunting is 1000x more fun than going to Disney. As a matter of fact, someone would have to pay me $200 for the day to go to Disney. Anyway, point is... whatever the powers that be think is fair, I'm paying it and showing up for the chance to shoot a deer bigger than a medium sized dog and hang out with my TOO bros.


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
But Sam, how much is funneled out of the DNR budget too pay for other things other then DNR expenses...... And what do you think will happen when the individuals in Columbus see a jump in revenue for the DNR? It'll be funneled away and it'll be a wash...........


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Stark County
REO/CARPN.. that's a load of shit... No trying to start a war, but you have to look at the big picture. Saying you are over run with NR is a bit misguided. Is it crowded during certain times of the year? ABSOLUTELY, is it frustrating, I'm sure. OH is as good as it is, in part, because of the NR, who are willing to pay to hunt there. I'm from NJ, and a small increase probably won't keep me from coming, considering how good the hunting is. It's public land, you don't own it, and if we're willing to pay to take advantage of it, so be it. If you hate the crowds, save up some cash, lease privately, or go out of state, and help support their conservation efforts, just like I do when I come to Ohio.

Bigslam, you don't think it's right for a guy from NY to lease land that borders your property? Would be ok if it was a guy from OH? I understand you live there, and it sucks if a deer you've worked for wanders over to a neighboring property to be killed by a NR, but guess what, it happens all over the country. That's why it's called hunting. This sense of entitlement, that a deer on your property, in a free range environment, is yours to kill, and yours only, is part of what is wrong with hunting today, and why the prices have sky rocketed.

I said its bullshit because he brings other people in and charges them too hunt like he's a damn outfitter. I found a tree stand on our land from them last year. I don't feel like the deer around my area are mine, your blowing my statement way out of proportion. These guys think they can come around here once a year and hang a stand wherever they want, they are too blame, not me. I have a whopping 7 acres so feeling a sense of entitlement to these deer would be a little absurd, if I had 1000 acres it might be a little different.
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Junior Member
I said its bullshit because he brings other people in and charges them too hunt like he's a damn outfitter. I found a tree stand on our land from them last year. I don't feel like the deer around my area are mine, your blowing my statement way out of proportion. These guys think they can come around here once a year and hang a stand wherever they want, they are too blame, not me.

I get that it's irritating, but it's not just NR's that behave that way. So I was questioning your reasoning for supporting a price increase. All you said was NR's shouldn't be able to lease ground in Ohio, and that residents are the minority anymore, it's hard for Ohioans to find good hunting land, etc.. so it sounds like you have an issue with NR's. You may not agree, but it's his land, if he wants to treat it like an outfitter, that's his concern. If they aren't respecting boundaries/rules, then take that up with him. All Im saying, is support a price increase, if the reasons are justified, not because you have beef with a neighbor


Junior Member
Central Ohio
Personally I will fight the bill. Our DNR has destroyed our deer population and in the process lost money. They're looking to increase fees to try and bring their revenue back up. Screw them, they made their bed they can lay in it. On a personal note a couple years ago I would've loved to see an increase in NR fees, a couple years ago I believed it was something that needed done. Today I want it defeated. Because fuck Tonk, that's why. I want them to feel ever budgetary pain they can due to their decision to lower the deer population. I want them to loose their ass on tags and licenses after what they've done. No sir, I will not support a fee increase on my fellow hunters to help the DNR make up budget losses because they rescued our deer population and hunting isn't what it once was.

Damn, Joe! Nothing gets by you. They are definitely feeling it in the pocket book as overall tags sales were down the last 3 consecutive years. I am sure they were down again this year.

They were selling $15 tags like hot cakes on a Sunday morning when there were a lot of deer. It's a little different story now. Supported or not, they're going to do whatever the hell they want. We can't afford the attorneys to challenge them.
Being a land owner in Ohio and considered as a Non-Resident I hope many can understand that I am not for going crazy with raising NR license fees simply because some have a hard time finding land to hunt on that isn't leased or, in the case of public land, riddled with NR hunters. I do agree with the need to make license costs comparable to what my state of Michigan costs but that's about it.

I know it may ruffle a few feathers but Ohio should do away with land owners not having to buy a tag. :smiley_blackeye: Last I checked they consider most animals controlled by the state and if you cannot keep the deer on your own property then they surely aren't yours to not have to buy a tag for. Now if they want to change the law back to the way it was several years ago, the deeded owner (regardless of residency) could go without purchasing a license, I'd be all for that!! :smiley_carnaval:


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Stark County
I get that it's irritating, but it's not just NR's that behave that way. So I was questioning your reasoning for supporting a price increase. All you said was NR's shouldn't be able to lease ground in Ohio, and that residents are the minority anymore, it's hard for Ohioans to find good hunting land, etc.. so it sounds like you have an issue with NR's. You may not agree, but it's his land, if he wants to treat it like an outfitter, that's his concern. If they aren't respecting boundaries/rules, then take that up with him. All Im saying, is support a price increase, if the reasons are justified, not because you have beef with a neighbor

OK, I support a price increase because NR licenses are too damn cheap.


Junior Member
OK, I support a price increase because NR licenses are too damn cheap.

I dont understand why you care. Say a NR license goes from $125 to $150, or the cost of a tag doubles, do you think it's going to stop guys who are spending a few G's on a lease?

You have not given a valid reason to support why you are for an increase except for the whiny, wo is me attitude, who doesn't like how his neighbor manages his property. Give me something to work with, maybe I'll see a point I haven't thought about.

Remember, the NR's contribute a large % of the funding each year, whether it's mismanaged or not. Don't judge people because of where they're from. There's dirtbags in every state, who trespass, cheat, lie, steal etc..


*Supporting Member*
New Hampshire
I dont understand why you care. Say a NR license goes from $125 to $150, or the cost of a tag doubles, do you think it's going to stop guys who are spending a few G's on a lease?

You have not given a valid reason to support why you are for an increase except for the whiny, wo is me attitude, who doesn't like how his neighbor manages his property. Give me something to work with, maybe I'll see a point I haven't thought about.

Remember, the NR's contribute a large % of the funding each year, whether it's mismanaged or not. Don't judge people because of where they're from. There's dirtbags in every state, who trespass, cheat, lie, steal etc..

Not sure I agree with this statement. If only 6.7% of deer tags sold last year went to non-residents than I doubt it's accurate to say we contribute a large % of the funding.


Junior Member
ok, I see your point, 9.9% last year was NR, 38,000 out of 378,000 or so. I may have been a little off there, haha....still looking for a good argument as to why he supports an increase


*Supporting Member*
New Hampshire
I can understand the frustration of the resident hunters. When its November and every other hunter you see is a NR it must be annoying. However in Ohio, as with other midwest states, deer hunting is a tourist attraction. To keep it attractive it must stay affordable. I live in the mountains of New Hampshire and our main tourist attraction is leaf-peeping. We have some of the best foliage in the world and people from all over come to see it. That means every fall there are bus loads of tourists all over the place. They annoy me but I wouldn't want to see them charged a fee to view the foliage. I understand how much money gets dumped in to our area by these people so I can deal with the annoyance for 3 or 4 weeks. I would think this would be similar to you Ohioans having to deal with us hunting your area in November. Annoying but in a few weeks we'll be gone.

I'll end this by saying I don't believe in raising rates for outdoor recreation anywhere. Its expensive enough as it is . I think the rates charged by states like Illinois and some of the western states is outrageous. That being said I fully expect an increase in Ohio simply because they can. As long as the increase is not huge people will still come.


Junior Member
I believe it should be you pay what we pay for NR licenses in your state.


Staff member
AJ, I think you make a fair comparison with the leaf watchers. I often wonder the same when whitewater rafting and imposing on the locals who may prefer to share their resources with their neighbors and not bus loads of strangers. However I think it misses one crucial part of all this, deer are made of food. You can't eat leaves, or at least they sure fall short of fresh loins. For some of us, the increased in NR hunters literally translates to less food. A bit drastic yes as in most of us can still afford to go to Krogers for meat, but I know people who can't. When I started gun hunting in 1990, a NR to me, was someone from Cleveland. Nowadays, we are overrun with NR hunters, the majority of which make the short drive over from WV. Its kinda easy to ruffle the cooter whiskers on them WV fellers, so I won't pick on them too hard. But there is no denying the WV deer hunters have had a major hand in knocking down there deer numbers around here. That means less opportunities at something that is a vital part of life for some, and a nice bonus to a lot of us.