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Northern MI: Part II


Active Member
The Flatlands
75% humidity and 30° is a lot colder than what I remember lol. My sit this evening went 0-100 pretty quickly, and ended at a 0. Saw a potential world record black squirrel around 4:30. About 5:35 I heard what I thought was a squirrel ripping around in the pines, that ended up being either a BB or small doe, pretty low light in the pines and being over cast. It was running full speed, ran a half circle in front of me, ran under me at 10 yds and that’s when I realized I have a gun not a bow, tried to stop her and she wanted nothing to do with it. She ran a loop through the pines towards the road then back past me to where she came from. No idea what her deal was, where she came from or where she went. There was nothing behind her so I am stumped. I left my sticks and platform so I will be back in there in the am. Close but no cigar.


Active Member
The Flatlands
Got to experience my first buck pole. As much as I love OH, I really wish we did shit like this at home. The camaraderie that surrounds the story telling, beer drinking and bullshitting. Plus all the old timers that have been coming up here for 30+ years and their matching old skool camo is bad ass. I love it up here.

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I’ve honestly thought about hosting a buck pole at the pizza shop. I never have though mostly due to the fact gun season is about a dead thing anymore it seems. You may not remember but that is pretty much the atmosphere we used to have at check in stations on the first night of gun season back in the day but we never actually took them out of the trucks. Good times. Miss em.


Active Member
The Flatlands
I’ve honestly thought about hosting a buck pole at the pizza shop. I never have though mostly due to the fact gun season is about a dead thing anymore it seems. You may not remember but that is pretty much the atmosphere we used to have at check in stations on the first night of gun season back in the day but we never actually took them out of the trucks. Good times. Miss em.
I remember opening day of Ohio gun season going to “Clelands Outdoor World” to check our deer in and check truck beds to see what everyone shot. Still wish we had metal tags and check stations for sure.


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
I remember opening day of Ohio gun season going to “Clelands Outdoor World” to check our deer in and check truck beds to see what everyone shot. Still wish we had metal tags and check stations for sure.
My buddy owns that place now. Talk to him about doing a buck pole. I bet it won't be hard. Ken Shields


Active Member
The Flatlands
Back in the saddle. Got a coating of snow around 4am and there was a set or two of fresh tracks I saw on the way in. Maybe a 1/4”-1/2, just enough to make everything white, which will be really nice seeing into this big stand of pines and into the marsh. More than likely gonna sit until noon then pack up and head back to camp and take down my camp. May do an evening sit, or head home after cleaning up camp. Time will tell.

Sgt Fury

Sgt. Spellchecker
Silly me! I thought that every gun club did those. Here in Jersey, every gun club has a deer pole, and every club or camp I’ve been to in NY and PA always had one. I just assumed that the clubs in Ohio used them also. We have people from other clubs come to see how we did and stick around for a few beers and some food. Our members will also go to other clubs and are received the same way. It’s a great tradition and really enjoyable to hear all of the deer stories.👍


Active Member
The Flatlands
Disappointing to say the least. Sat silently until 9:45. Heard 14 shots total this am, 2 being a half hour or so before legal time. At 9:45 I saw the record breaking black squirrel again. He bounced down into the marsh and came back out with a full cob of bright yellow corn. For those of you that don’t know, it’s illegal to bait in MI. I’m not sure where the cob of corn came from, but I do know it’s not a corn field. Knowing someone was baiting illegally in the area, and also knowing I’d be the one to get pinched with my luck I decided it was best to climb down. I am back at camp now dressing down and planning to do some slow walking in another section after I eat. Dang.


Active Member
The Flatlands
Sorry for no more updates guys. Came back home yesterday afternoon. I still hunted for a few hours and slipped in on a lone doe but couldn’t get a clear shot in the pines. I scouted that marsh I’ve been hunting a little more and found some really really fresh sign (few dozen rubs, couple scrapes and a fresh bed under an immature pine on the West edge. I got back to camp and told my dad about the super fresh sign and that he should hunt it yesterday evening. I packed up my camp and hit the road. He slipped in there around 3:30-4 down the trail heading towards the marsh. He spotted two does roughly 60 yds upwind from him, he grabbed his binos to verify if there were antlers or not. No antlers so he shouldered his 7mm and put it to the bigger of the two. He said she was broadside but had a small pine blocking most of her vitals. He figured fugg it, it’s a 7mm and let on rip just along the edge of the tree behind her shoulder. He thought he dumped her but saw both does run across an opening and made a second shot. He found their tracks crossing the trail and followed them all the way to the marsh with no sign of blood. He called me after the hunt to fill me in. I asked him if he was sure that there wasn’t 3 does and not just 2. He said he was almost positive there was only 2. I said you better go check point of impact in the morning….
Attached are some photos of the sign I found, he and I’s conversation and the end result. I think the most impressive part of it all is that he figured out how to use selfie mode and the timer on his new phone 😂