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Dignitary Member
Staff member
I'm not going to delete this and here's why: Some of guys freely post pics of middle fingers and throw the f-word around liberally. To some, that's just as offensive and tasteless. We've let a lot of posts slide around here that have offended people and I'm not about to start deleting posts just because someone is offended. It's a tasteless ass post from a kid that doesn't know any better. Hold him accountable and educate him, but don't expect me to clean up his mess cause I've left a bunch of other messes out there in the past year. Freedom of speech extends to everyone around here, even those who don't understand how to use it properly.
Agreed Jesse. While I personally find it tasteless were not about to start making judgement calls on what is and what isn't offensive to warrant deletion. I get it guys. I really do. However, To some the middle fingers, pictures of shitty drawers, racist humor, partial nudity and fag jokes may be just as offensive. I ask you to consider this, if we made the judgement call to delete that and later someone complained about a casually racist joke, what are we to tell them. If we say no they will throw this in our face and say we're playing favorites. What's offensive to you may not be to others, what's offensive to others may not be to you. We're not backing ourselves into the corner of censorship. Ignore it and move on. Just like we would expect someone else to do if we offended them.



Junior Member
I'm not going to delete this and here's why: Some of guys freely post pics of middle fingers and throw the f-word around liberally. To some, that's just as offensive and tasteless. We've let a lot of posts slide around here that have offended people and I'm not about to start deleting posts just because someone is offended. It's a tasteless ass post from a kid that doesn't know any better. Hold him accountable and educate him, but don't expect me to clean up his mess cause I've left a bunch of other messes out there in the past year. Freedom of speech extends to everyone around here, even those who don't understand how to use it properly.

:smiley_clap: I agree, that's why I like it here - It would be long gone on "other" sites.


Junior Member
Agreed Jesse. While I personally find it tasteless were not about to start making judgement calls on what is and what isn't offensive to warrant deletion. I get it guys. I really do. However, To some the middle fingers, pictures of shitty drawers, racist humor, partial nudity and fag jokes may be just as offensive. I ask you to consider this, if we made the judgement call to delete that and later someone complained about a casually racist joke, what are we to tell them. If we say no they will throw this in our face and say we're playing favorites. What's offensive to you may not be to others, what's offensive to others may not be to you. We're not backing ourselves into the corner of censorship. Ignore it and move on. Just like we would expect someone else to do if we offended them.



Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio


Kudos on not deleting that post. While I may find it tasteless I don't want this place to become Facebook. I think we should remember this kid probably isn't old enough to remember what that day was like. He doesn't have any attachment to it.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Licking Co. Ohio
My opinion is not because I liked this particular post. But I want to be fair for everyone as well. I don't see the young'un wrong for posting it and neither do I think any of you are wrong for not liking it. Everyone of us are a mess in our own way. :smiley_coolpeace:


Staff member
Kudos on not deleting that post. While I may find it tasteless I don't want this place to become Facebook. I think we should remember this kid probably isn't old enough to remember what that day was like. He doesn't have any attachment to it.
I made this comment to Tall Chad via text earlier. Perspective is all about personal experience. He's probably young enough he was still shitting in his pants when that happened, so his perspective is much different than most of ours. I hope it serves as a good lesson for him on what tasteless memes are all about...



Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
I read where they interviewed an Afghan who lived 1.5 miles away from the MOAB blast and it blew the windows out of his house

I guess I didn't realize where they dropped it was close enough to an actual town that would have had amenities such as glass for Windows. Everything you ever see on TV just shows mud houses with windows cut in but nothing in it.