Good luck whichever direction you go. Hunting club, guide service, whatever. . . .I am sure it is not easy. You can never keep everyone happy. There will always be naysayers. I hear it all the time at shows. "Why don't you sell me that stand for $xx?" Me: Umm, because that is $10 below my cost.
My wife bought me a guided hunt once. It was an awesome gesture. Felt great just to get away and have a week to relax in a tree stand. The does were everywhere along with young bucks. The guide? I wasn't real impressed. I would say it is a full time job attempting to get hunters onto the bucks. In my opinion his mind was elsewhere and he was clinging onto night time trail cam pictures from early summer. There was probably one buck 110-120" I saw that week. He was in bow range but I wasn't interested. Didn't meet his qualifications anyway. My point? If you are going to do it, you need to be 100% vested, so I can see where it would be stressful for you. It is stressful for many guys just to hunt deer for themselves let alone attempting to put hunters of varying skill levels onto good bucks.