It baffles me how Ohio values one of it's bucks at $24 to a non resident.
But turns right around and values that same deer at $30,000 to a poacher based on the trophy scale fine.
I'm in no way comparing NR hunters poachers.. I'm just making a "value" observation. The DNR says that deer are a natural resource and belong to residents of Ohio. If a poacher takes the buck from us the trophy cost of that resource is 30,000. If a non resident takes that same deer from us the cost is only $24. That makes no sense.
I also don't by in to the "Non residents spend money in Ohio"
Really? I bought my truck, bow, broadheads, camo, grunt call, ice chest, bow rope, stand, tires, and virtually everything else i use for hunting right here in Ohio.. A NR brought all that with him on a trailer. 28 guys from this site drove to Strouds Run two weeks ago and stayed three days. The food was purchased in Ohio, not brought in a ice chest. We paid Cabin and campground fees just like a NR would. We got cookies and dip at local gas stations just like NR would. Resident hunters spend probably 20x what a NR does. So I don't think it's too much to ask when we say "Do you want a chance at a trophy ohio deer? Well that buck tag costs $200" Not a bad deal IMO