Has anyone been chosen to participate in this survey? I received the actual survey in the mail today. Some interesting questions for sure.
Where did you hunt deer in 2012? Private or public in varying degrees
What public did you hunt?
Where did you do the majority of your hunting?
How many days did you bow hunt, gun hunt, bonus gun,or muzzleloader hunt? and how many deer did you kill?
How would you rate the acorn crop?
Deer herd status? increasing, slightly increasing, unchanged, slightly decreasing, decreasing
Deer hunter status? same choices as above
And the best question.. Would you support the establishment of a limited number of "quality hunt" areas on DOW owned wildlife management areas that were accessible only to those hunters drawn in a lottery?
It also says that creating one lottery area in each district would increase hunters and hunting pressure on all other wildlife areas. Im curious to what everyone's opinion is especially on the last question.
Where did you hunt deer in 2012? Private or public in varying degrees
What public did you hunt?
Where did you do the majority of your hunting?
How many days did you bow hunt, gun hunt, bonus gun,or muzzleloader hunt? and how many deer did you kill?
How would you rate the acorn crop?
Deer herd status? increasing, slightly increasing, unchanged, slightly decreasing, decreasing
Deer hunter status? same choices as above
And the best question.. Would you support the establishment of a limited number of "quality hunt" areas on DOW owned wildlife management areas that were accessible only to those hunters drawn in a lottery?
It also says that creating one lottery area in each district would increase hunters and hunting pressure on all other wildlife areas. Im curious to what everyone's opinion is especially on the last question.