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Office 2010


Senior Member
Signing in from my 'new' computer...new harddrive, new motherboard, new keyboard (which was only 4 months old anyways)...everything is new on this puppy except the power supple (which I suspect is the reason why I have had 6 or 7 hard drives in the last 2.5 years). Thank you Grove City and HP's warranty :)

My computer did have Windows 7 on it which was fine and so does this one...but I got the upgrade to Office 2010...dumb! Its running a little slow (maybe because I'm setting everything up) but it looks terrible - I feel like I'm running Windows 95!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I always hate changing to newer software... I get settled into my ways, then they go and change shit around so you have to relearn it all over again... pain in the ass! How do you like Windows 7?


Senior Member
JBrown - I love Windows 7. I went from Vista to 7 over a year ago and have not had a single problem with it, even though I did have problems with Vista. I used Word, OneNote, and Excel on a daily basis and use Outlook 24/7. Windows 7 looks better, runs better, etc. There's a lot of cool stuff you can do with the new tool bars, running multiple monitors, etc. And again, never had a hiccup with it.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
JBrown - I love Windows 7. I went from Vista to 7 over a year ago and have not had a single problem with it, even though I did have problems with Vista. I used Word, OneNote, and Excel on a daily basis and use Outlook 24/7. Windows 7 looks better, runs better, etc. There's a lot of cool stuff you can do with the new tool bars, running multiple monitors, etc. And again, never had a hiccup with it.

That's very good to hear. I have hated Windows Vista ever since the day I got it... it fuggin blows. It's just clunky and ugly, and all the confirmation checks are annoying as hell.


Senior Member
Make the jump to Windows 7, but don't mess with Office 2010 if you don't have TOO


Senior Member
Oh shoot! I honestly didn't think about that. TOO be honest I've only had Office 2010 for about 2 hours now :D It works well, I just don't like the cosmetic changes. I'm sure I'll get used to it.

(Return the damn thing!)


Senior Member
Hudson, OH
Got office 2010 at work about a month or so ago. Still getting used to all the changes, but all in all, I don't mind it.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Oh shoot! I honestly didn't think about that. TOO be honest I've only had Office 2010 for about 2 hours now :D It works well, I just don't like the cosmetic changes. I'm sure I'll get used to it.

(Return the damn thing!)

Ha ha.. I'm just busting your balls. I'll return it. I just figured I'd extend the deal to everyone on here just in case someone wanted it for whatever.

DJK Frank 16

Senior Member
Supporting Member
Hardin County
I'm PC support over about 400 client PC's here at work, and we are starting to roll out Office 2010. I began using it about 3 or 4 months ago, took me a little while to get used to it but once you figure out where everything is at and how it works, I actually like it better than 2007. But adapting to change is half the battle in my line of work!

Service Pack 2 for Vista seemed to fix a lot of the bitches I had about the OS, but I still like Windows 7 a lot better.


Senior Member
Hey Hunt NWOhio - how do you get fuggin outlook to not pop up the "you dont have a subject line box" every time you send an email? lol

DJK Frank 16

Senior Member
Supporting Member
Hardin County
From what I've heard so far the answer is "you can't".

But anything can be modified with the right code, I've been working on a fix in my free time, if I come up with something that works I will pass it along.

There are a few "copy and paste this" threads out there but I haven't got any of them to work so far.

Very annoying feature IMO as well. The though process behind is that Outlook is more often than not used in a Enterprise/Business environment, and most of their anti-spammer/email filters are setup to automatically discard messages that do no contain a subject. They put this pop up in place to keep from having legitimate emails discarded because of no subject.

DJK Frank 16

Senior Member
Supporting Member
Hardin County
The most annoying part for me is I send a lot of links and notes and stuff to a secondary email account where the correct "netiquette" does not apply, would be nice to have the feature disabled, but I see the method behind the madness!