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Ohio deer population


I have to say that I agree, but chopping two months off of the season won't do a damn thing, though. How many of us routinely kill deer with a bow and arrow in December or January?


I was thinking more about October and November:D

Not taking a shot at you but your response it typical of lets reduce everyone (crossbows)but me.

I personally like Jessies idea except but rather than a boycott I would support a complete elimination of one complete deer season, all methods, for one year, leave 200K + deer alive and 2 tags the flowing years and you have changed the reduced population in most areas of the state very quickly.


Tatonka guide.
The only reason deer seasons were closed years ago was because gun hunters killed too many. Now that's a fact


Columbus, OH
People are talking about shorting archery season to possible help population numbers. Why not shorten the gun season to 3 days or take it away for a year or 2? This week the ohio heard takes a big hit. There are a lot of people that are just strictly gun hunters. But highly dout DNR will do something like that because it lowers license/permit sales.


People are talking about shorting archery season to possible help population numbers. Why not shorten the gun season to 3 days or take it away for a year or 2? This week the ohio heard takes a big hit. There are a lot of people that are just strictly gun hunters. But highly dout DNR will do something like that because it lowers license/permit sales.

Maybe because the gun season harvest continues to fall and the archery harvest continues to go up, even with a reduced population. A reduction in gun opportunity and harvest already took place with the elimination of the 2 day gun season

If over harvest is the problem you go where the problem exists to fix it.


Senior Member
also fact, archery seasons were established because archery hunters didn't hardly kill anything at that time(largely because of the limited nature of archery equipment at time). fact also that is clearly no longer the case. my position is that it makes more sense to me to limit equipment than to shorten seasons if we all want to affect the greater good. the "anything goes" attitude the state developed toward equipment(guns and archery alike) was the beginning of the misguided deer management policies in Ohio.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Up Nort
Why not just limit it to traditional equipment then. If you said, today, I can only go out with my longbow, I would most likely injure deer. I am deadly accurate with my crossbow.
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Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Stark County
Why not just limit it to traditional equipment then. If you said, today, I can only go out with my longbow, I would most likely injure deer. I am deadly accurate with my crossbow.

Fine with me, I'll learn how to shoot one proficiently. Not to knock crossbows, but it can't be that hard to be deadly accurate with one.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Up Nort
Didn't say it was hard, but I've never lost a deer using one. Let's take away shotguns, inline muzzys and pcrs too. Flint lock baby.
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Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Stark County
"As of Thursday, the deer harvest was only down about 6.7 percent, despite a miserable opening day of the deer gun season," said Tonkovich. "We had forecast it would be down 3 percent to 6 percent, so we're pretty much on target. And there's still plenty of the deer hunting seasons left.

"We needed to get our deer population down to goal to keep the population stable. I think we've got it where we want it right now, and feel the cutback in antlerless permits was the best way to do it."

Now he says they got it where they want it.


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
less hunters across the board, more huntable habitat statewide, and more demanding equipment.

Two outta three ain't bad Jamie..... The more demanding equipment is a stretch imho..... Compounds and xbows been around for a while.... Maybe the let off was lower and slower fps but the accuracy was still there....


Staff member
Tonk is an asshat. Thanks for fucking us pal.

Just took my deer to the processor. He said they did 800+ deer his first year (2008). My deer was #286 for the year. He said if it keeps up, he'll close up shop.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
No need to do away with the season or the weapon of choice. Just quit making so many damn tags available. One tag, use it wisely. If the population gets crazy again in a few years, up the tags for a short period then put it back to one again.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
No need to do away with the season or the weapon of choice. Just quit making so many damn tags available. One tag, use it wisely. If the population gets crazy again in a few years, up the tags for a short period then put it back to one again.

Read my rather long post above. Reducing tags alone won't help in most areas. What got the population this low was a combination of increasing tags and opportunity. The opposite needs to be done to grow it. Reduce opportunity and tags.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Doing away with the season will never happen. Too many guys live for gun week. And that's fine, it's their choice. The easiest step in the right direction is to limit tags. Not many guys will argue if that is done.

I don't mean only gun season. It needs to come from archery season too. Limiting tags alone won't do anything. Unless you limit them below the available number of hunter and go to a lottery.


"Happy Hunting Grounds in the Sky"
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
A lot of good discussion. But who got the idea that Ohio wants to REALLY wants to reduce the harvest numbers?
The harvest is high to satisfy the lobbyist and will continue to be high. Sad but true in my mind.
Not possible to adjust only one type of hunting it somehow has to be across the board.
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No need to do away with the season or the weapon of choice. Just quit making so many damn tags available. One tag, use it wisely. If the population gets crazy again in a few years, up the tags for a short period then put it back to one again.

I agree to this. For the specific areas that do still have abundant deer they could implement antlerless tags that hunters could purchase or if the demand is high then a lottery for them. That's how Mich does most of their antlerless tags, they section off management units and set quotas for tags. People can do the lottery to get them and if there are still left over tags they go on sale to the public until they are gone.