Since I moved to this property I have been running cameras. This will be my 3rd year..... the firdt yesr I got a picture of a 4 yo deer that was wide and and large bodied. He was a minimum of 4, I suppose he coulda been 5. I just got him back on camera for this year. I hsd him all last yesr also.
This deer is atleast 6 yo. I've saw him 2 times ever. Once standing in the road and one time last week checking traps. It's amazing how the deer with shit genetics can survive but the ones with good genetics never do.
Here he is the last two previous years
At one time last year, he made the trek to my dads. Which is about 3 miles away. Over a main road, over both lanes of 77 and across a river then over the hill... amazing how these deer survive
This deer is atleast 6 yo. I've saw him 2 times ever. Once standing in the road and one time last week checking traps. It's amazing how the deer with shit genetics can survive but the ones with good genetics never do.
Here he is the last two previous years
At one time last year, he made the trek to my dads. Which is about 3 miles away. Over a main road, over both lanes of 77 and across a river then over the hill... amazing how these deer survive