I have 3 Remington Portfolios from the 60s and early 70s. Each has 12 art works that can be framed . 2 of these comes with a Remington calendar from a gun shop in Marion Ohio that has each print on one of the months. The name of the store was Idle Hour Sports. I will list the Portfolio and the name of each print in that portfolio.
1 . Remington Portfolio of American Waterfowl Hunting
Comes with a 1969 calendar . The calendar has some writing on a few of the days in 2 of the months, looks like maybe some ones fishing catch for them days.
The Prints are
Decoy Making Today
Calling Mallards in the Pin-oaks
A Turn-Back Whistler
Green-Winged Teal Buzz a Mallard set
Preserved for Posterity
Black Ducks on a River Float
Snow Geese Take a Look
Old Decoys
Bluebills in a Snow Storm
Canvasbacks and Redheads on a Tidal Flat
The Brant are Back
Pintails in a Cypress Swamp
2. Remingtons portfolio of Great Game of the World
Comes with a 1970 Remington calendar from Idle Hour Sports in Marion Ohio.
Prints are
Interrupted Dinner ( Lions)
A Holding Action ( Dogs baying a Jaguar)
Tundra Twosome (Alaskan Moose)
Chancy Encounter (Grizzly bear and a hunter)
Out on a Limb (leopard)
No Time To Relax ( African Elephant)
Ring Around the Ramparts ( Wood Bison and Wolfs)
Sheep of the Shangri La (Marco Polo Sheep)
Courting Confrontation (Sable Antelope)
Hitch Hiker of the North (Polar Bear)
Stalking in Reverse (Tiger)
Turning the Tables ( African Cape Buffalo)
3. This set is just the prints, NO calendar.
Remington Portfolio of Big Game of North America
All Clear Ahead (Black bear)
Shore Patrol (Alaskan Brown Bear)
Spooked (Bighorn Sheep)
Matched Set (Stone Sheep)
Lion Tamers (Courag)
Flags Up (White Tail Deer)
Follow the Leader (Pronghorn Antelope)
Bugle Call (Elk)
Down-Wind Cat (Jaguar)
Rubbing off the Velvet (Barren Ground Caribu)
The Waiting Game ( Mule Deer)
Cliff Hanger (Mountain Goat)
All of these print are by outdoor Artist Bob Kuhn. Each print in 16 ½ X 12 ¼ and can be framed.
Wanting to trade all these for a few tanned furs or fishing items.
1 . Remington Portfolio of American Waterfowl Hunting
Comes with a 1969 calendar . The calendar has some writing on a few of the days in 2 of the months, looks like maybe some ones fishing catch for them days.
The Prints are
Decoy Making Today
Calling Mallards in the Pin-oaks
A Turn-Back Whistler
Green-Winged Teal Buzz a Mallard set
Preserved for Posterity
Black Ducks on a River Float
Snow Geese Take a Look
Old Decoys
Bluebills in a Snow Storm
Canvasbacks and Redheads on a Tidal Flat
The Brant are Back
Pintails in a Cypress Swamp
2. Remingtons portfolio of Great Game of the World
Comes with a 1970 Remington calendar from Idle Hour Sports in Marion Ohio.
Prints are
Interrupted Dinner ( Lions)
A Holding Action ( Dogs baying a Jaguar)
Tundra Twosome (Alaskan Moose)
Chancy Encounter (Grizzly bear and a hunter)
Out on a Limb (leopard)
No Time To Relax ( African Elephant)
Ring Around the Ramparts ( Wood Bison and Wolfs)
Sheep of the Shangri La (Marco Polo Sheep)
Courting Confrontation (Sable Antelope)
Hitch Hiker of the North (Polar Bear)
Stalking in Reverse (Tiger)
Turning the Tables ( African Cape Buffalo)
3. This set is just the prints, NO calendar.
Remington Portfolio of Big Game of North America
All Clear Ahead (Black bear)
Shore Patrol (Alaskan Brown Bear)
Spooked (Bighorn Sheep)
Matched Set (Stone Sheep)
Lion Tamers (Courag)
Flags Up (White Tail Deer)
Follow the Leader (Pronghorn Antelope)
Bugle Call (Elk)
Down-Wind Cat (Jaguar)
Rubbing off the Velvet (Barren Ground Caribu)
The Waiting Game ( Mule Deer)
Cliff Hanger (Mountain Goat)
All of these print are by outdoor Artist Bob Kuhn. Each print in 16 ½ X 12 ¼ and can be framed.
Wanting to trade all these for a few tanned furs or fishing items.