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Opening Day Weather Forecast


*Supporting Member*
They missed the forecast here badly. It wasn't ideal but it wasn't the absolutely horrible weather that was forecasted last nite.


Staff member
There is a little sun peaking through down here, but it's windy as hell and it looks like rain towards the farm. We had an impromptu meeting this morning I'm glad I made, so all was not lost.

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I really should have gone, it isn't that bad here. FB is showing a bunch of dead turkeys, musta been a good morning!


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
I decided to go this morning after peeking out the door and it looking pretty decent as for the weather. A bit windy down here in the SW TOO. I snuck down thru the woods via a quad path and heard several hammering away around 7:30. Saw 4 big birds at the far side of a plowed beanfield. Backed out and cut down thru the timber alittle further away and hunkered down to where I could see the area they were at. After a few minutes I saw two hens pop up from the plowed field with a boss Tom in tow. Where he came from I don't know but I watched him strut for over an hour then feed out of sight. They went over a rise and thru a finger into another field. I did a few light yelps and cuts and he gobbled as he went out of sight following the two hens. I then snuck into position where he was strutting and set out a spread of 2 hens and a Jake. Hopefully he'll lose those hens soon and come back to some light calling. We shall see! Lol
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Junior Member
The woods
Wasn't a bad morning at all. I was dressed for a blizzard and ended up needing sun glasses. I had my first miss/call back in and kill experience. Pretty cool!! Back to work and reality now for the rest of the week.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Congrats Lonewolf!

Nice day for a drive for me. Last minute decision to try a property in Hardin County my buddy had access to. Showed up, found someone had built a fence and he realized the property lines he had in his head didn't match up to what was on the ground. Twenty minutes from Kildeer Plains we decided to keep driving. Sun is well up by now, but what the heck. Drove over there, and did a bit of road scouting. Found a map at a station. Drove some more and decided to just roll back to Lima. We were clueless about where to even start over there. It was a bit frustrating but at the same time all you can do is laugh. Neither one of us had gotten much sleep. Neither got to hunt. Neither had a productive morning. Oh well. Nice morning for a drive I guess. FWIW, saw a total of 0 turkeys and only 7 deer from Lima to Kildeer, around Kildeer, and back to Lima. Five of them were in one field o Kildeer and 2 were just outside of Kenton. Seemed odd to me.


*Supporting Member*
Massillon, Ohio
We tried roosting them last night with zero luck at all. Basically was flying blind on blind placement. We set the blind up, came back this morning and it was dead quiet, I think the tom yelped one time coming off the roost far off. My ADD kicked in and I had to go see if they were in this other field, sure enough they were. I got back in the blind and about 10 min later we saw them in the woodline, but never came close to being interested in the jake and two hen decoys. He just strutted off on the distance.

Would you say, put another Tom decoy out if the other tom on the farm got killed this past weekend?


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Definitely not as terrible as the dang weathermen said it would be... But still it's too windy for my preference.


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Thanks Charles. Well I stuck it out till noon in that miserable wind and saw one of those hens come back thru feeding prolly to nest. The Tom never did come back through though. Still had a great hunt and the morning went by very quickly. I did stop by and pull one of my 3 cameras and it had 19 videos on it. If anything good showed up I'll post it for y'all.

Goodluck to everyone else and Congrats to those who scored today!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Licking Co. Ohio
Congrat's Lone Wolf.... Sounds like you enjoyed quite an experience. I'm glad for ya!

Now where's the bird man?

Was rootin for ya Ric.... been waitin for ya to report back in.


Junior Member
The woods
Thanks guys!! I wish everyone good luck this week. Get it while the gettings good. I think I may be hunting West Virginia on Saturday and if so I will be hunting Vinton county on Sunday. With the rich history of the Wild Turkeys return in Ohio, a turkey kill from Vinton county would be especially thrilling to me.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Debating about day 2 right now. If I don't go tomorrow I won't be able to go out until Sunday. Small chance for Saturday. I have been fighting a cold or allergies or sinus infection or something. 20-30mph winds tomorrow again. Pulled 2 cameras and saw nothing but a handful of deer, and a couple John Deere's planting. Probably get up early and go because I am dumb like that. lol


*Supporting Member*
Massillon, Ohio
Sure was beautiful this morning. Sky full of stars, nice little breeze. Get in the blind and hear a gobbler on the roost when the sun started to come up. The stupid bird never even came out in the field.....