I slept in a bit. Feeling a lot better. I am thinking this might have been just what I needed. I agree with you though xbowguy, can't kill them when you are not out there.
Went out in the rain this evening to attempt to roost a bird. No sooner did I step into the woods and hunker under a tree did a gobbler start sounding off. Hope to make a couple clucks at him for the short time I have to hunt tomorrow morning. Good luck everyone.
We had some serious thunderstorms last night. However, this is my only shot at hunting until the weekend. I am debating hard right now. I don't mind a little rain, but I hesitate when it comes to the lingering thunder/lightning. Ugh. . .decisions, decisions.
Had a good morning. The gobbler I roosted was hot and after 30 minutes of playing I finally got him to come in to about 30 yards. Unfortunately, if was right behind a bunch of Bush Honeysuckle and all I could do was sit there and listen to him gobble. I think he met up with a hen somewhere right in front of me because I heard him walking away the gobbling and finally he just shut up and wouldn't respond to anything. Off to work now, hope he is in the same spot this weekend.