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Phil's 2015 Season


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I found 4 sheds today turkey hunting. I changed some trail cameras while I was out. As of this morning, I still have two bucks carrying both sides. No wonder I haven't found them. This is crazy. There were some starting to grow some little light bulbs out of their heads while others are still packing. More craziness. Saw two large scrapes next to each other this morning as well. A little insult to injury? There were several big boy tom turkeys on trail camera last week. Long beards and jakes all mixed together. Couple pics had them in full strut. I just can't win. lmao


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Ahem, this post is totally worthless and said sheds do not exist unless pics are presented to show us non believers as proof.......:smiley_bril:

That goes for TC pics of bucks still packing TOO! ROTFLMAO

Congrats on the finds Phil! Sounds very promising heading into this season for ya! Great stuff!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Later Ric. Came in from hunting, checked cards, mowed the lawn, took off for soccer game in Holland.


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
That's a pretty fer piece to travel fer a kids soccer game! Have a safe trip and I'll be waiting patiently on your pitchers! :pickle:


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Holland, Ohio ya jokers. Up by Maumee. My wife was at a softball tourney in West Milton while I was chasing the soccer team. Will work on the pics. I didn't download them. I just viewed them. Will download at some point when i catch my breath. 922pm and I am just now sitting down to kick my feet up with the family.


Senior Member
South Eastern Ohio
Holland, Ohio ya jokers. Up by Maumee. My wife was at a softball tourney in West Milton while I was chasing the soccer team. Will work on the pics. I didn't download them. I just viewed them. Will download at some point when i catch my breath. 922pm and I am just now sitting down to kick my feet up with the family.
Lol... It's all good buddy! I know your a busy fellow and ball busting is always fun:pickle:


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Finally had time to download. Should be working right now, but. . . . Here you go.



Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Thinking these are two deer in the five pics. I don't think there are more than 2 holding. Could be. Just not on my cameras. No pictures of them in the last week, but the latest pics I had were April 26.

Man that's incredible they're holding on that late. Boy you sound like a busy family with the soccer and softball!! This coming weekend will start our onslaught of every weekend being busy til the weekend of July 25-26 with HS tournaments and travel team tournaments for both softball and baseball. Call it the crazy season! Not too many projects getting done this time of year that's for sure!!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Man that's incredible they're holding on that late. Boy you sound like a busy family with the soccer and softball!! This coming weekend will start our onslaught of every weekend being busy til the weekend of July 25-26 with HS tournaments and travel team tournaments for both softball and baseball. Call it the crazy season! Not too many projects getting done this time of year that's for sure!!

No doubt about it Chuck. This past weekend the roles were reversed. I took our daughter south for a double header while my wife took our son north for a double header. Last night we had a softball game at 5pm. Left to drop Garrett at soccer practice at 530pm. Came back. Watched some game. Took Geoffrey to art class at 6pm. My wife picked Garrett up from soccer while I watched the game. Game ended. I took the kids and wife home, then went to pick up Geoffrey from art class. Erin made them supper and then she and I had quality time together. We dropped off some movies at redbox, drove by a lawn so I could finish an estimate, then drove around some more to check on accounts. Just a normal night. I don't suppose it is much different than any other family of junior high or high school aged kids. We all live the same lives with slightly different details. Our lives revolve around the kids. Fortunately, I can take off a 2-3hr window most evenings to catch their activities. It just means I stay up late doing paperwork rather than watching TV.
I'm sure some people thing we're crazy for doing it all Phil but I can certainly think of worse things the kids could get into if they had too much time on their hands LOL! Life's a juggle anyways, why not throw a few more things in there to make it interesting!!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Amen to that Chuck. Busy kids make for busy parents. I agree 100% though, sure keeps them out of trouble.