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Please Read: A little air clearing of our own...


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
Well I had a busy day myself but from what I could piece together this afternoon......1023 and Steve had a good game of meat swords going. It seemed like it was going to be a "draw" as far as the swordfight so they just decided to gently touch weiners and call it a day.

lmao...now that's funny. :smiley_crocodile:


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Well I had a busy day myself but from what I could piece together this afternoon......1023 and Steve had a good game of meat swords going. It seemed like it was going to be a "draw" as far as the swordfight so they just decided to gently touch weiners and call it a day.

That is beyond funny man. I just about choked on my Skoal.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
First off all, as much as the bullshit it, that's probably a good move.

Second question - do you think that we could (collectively) ask Steve to delete us - not ban us- from the site?

Third Question - Am I (or anyone else) allowed to be a dick on OS, to the extent of being kicked off, and still be a member in TOO? Do you not give a shit what we do in our "own time" or would that be frowned upon by the general TOO group?

Ernie, no need to be a dick in your hunting life...you got your whole career as a lawyer ahead of you for that:smiley_bril:


Dignitary Member
Staff member
First off all, as much as the bullshit it, that's probably a good move.

Second question - do you think that we could (collectively) ask Steve to delete us - not ban us- from the site?

Third Question - Am I (or anyone else) allowed to be a dick on OS, to the extent of being kicked off, and still be a member in TOO? Do you not give a shit what we do in our "own time" or would that be frowned upon by the general TOO group?

You can do what you like man. We're not going to shun anyone from TOO for what they do over there either positive or negative. Just don't do it in the name of TOO. We're all free here. What you do there is your own business.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
What is up with swantucky's post being edited by bowhunter1023 this morning? The reason: He once got a lego stuck in his anus? I laughed by butt off, but I am just not sure how it showed up that way? Not sure why you edited it anyway since it was funny as usual anyhow.
Last edited by a moderator:


*Supporting Member*
Well I had a busy day myself but from what I could piece together this afternoon......1023 and Steve had a good game of meat swords going. It seemed like it was going to be a "draw" as far as the swordfight so they just decided to gently touch weiners and call it a day.

That right there is some funny shit!

I honestly haven't a clue on what caused all this in the first place. It was like someone flipped a switch and everyone had a boner for that place. Too me it is no different than any other public forum, you are going to have folks you don't like or agree with. Give this place time and it will be no different. That's just how it is when you throw so many different opinions out at one time. I've learned to ignore and not participate in threads that I see going down hill, no matter what forum I'm on.

I'm glad I was invited here as I enjoy the laid back attitude. There's a good bunch of people here with good info to share just as there is over there. I plan to keep going about my business and enjoying the good from both places.

This is starting out as a good place to hang out, I hope it stays that way for a long time.



Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Gods Country
Literally LMAO...thanks I needed that. Touching mushrooms...sounds like a band!


Sounds like the name of a gay band!!!!!!!!!!

I too have been very busy the past 2 weeks with work and working a booth at a couple different fairs. Still doing too. Just been able to stop in on occasion for a quick peek and then back out. Glad to see that things are being resolved in the manner they are. Well back to talking with all kinds of people and selling furnaces and A/C.


Junior Member
Summit County
Drama Drama Drama, I'm upset that I missed it all. I like a good bit of free entertainment! I had been checking in periodically over at OS and noticed that most of the traffic and threads were from people that I didn't recognize. I started searching around and realized that most of ya'll were MIA. I used my google-fu to do a bit of Internet Stalking (bowhunter1023) and found this place! It was never a place that I relly felt like getting too involved in and mostly used it to check out the dead deerz. TOO however seems like a place that I fit in beter and hell, I may even open up my wallet to "do my part" Looking forward to good times and new friendships. It's too bad I missed the BEC shoot, I would have liked to meet you guys.


Retired to the happy hunting grounds above.
I never thought OS was all that bad of a site except for a "few" who wanted to be post kings. Posted much but said nothing. And also the killing of "Nothing about Nothing" in reality pizzed me off. "They" said because of all the "girlie" picture. What ever. Glad TF told me about TOO. A "open" site, within reason. :smiley_bril::smiley_adfundum:


Senior Member
Good question. Maybe a friendly competition between the sites next year is in order?

That would almost be as laughable as the Ohio / That state up there competition, there are some boys that put some monster down on here... and all of the experience, intelligent hunters. Look at my sig :)


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
WOW, I get home to check in and never knew this situation between OS and TOO was to this extent. Whoever the mole/snake/worm/snitch is, should be exposed and not trusted. I agree with what JBrown said early in this thread. I haven't gone to the "other site" for a couple days as I do occasionally check in to the deer cam forum. I haven't participated nearly as much as I used to on OS because I'm on here all the time. Hell, I might be one of the ones pulled off that site. Lastly, Swantucky! You're killing me. Jesse and Steve in a Meat Sword fight! Thats funny shit right there and another thing you won't find anywhere else................than right here on TOO!
is this some kind of censorship. that we cant talk about other web sites? or is just o.s.? just curious what we are supposed to be afraid of if we ( so called ) bad mouth o.s. ? i dont think i ever did . i just want to know why all of a suddon everybody is trying to get along.


The Crew
Swanton, Ohio
is this some kind of censorship. that we cant talk about other web sites? or is just o.s.? just curious what we are supposed to be afraid of if we ( so called ) bad mouth o.s. ? i dont think i ever did . i just want to know why all of a suddon everybody is trying to get along.

You know damn well I have always been a scardy pants:smiley_breakdance: