The ZT has held up pretty good to the pounding I’ve been giving it. It was the right tool for the job! I would suggest it to anyone working construction that really beats on a knife.
Another daily carry I have added is a pen in my pocket. I’ve gotta randomly fill out paperwork during the day. I move from piece to piece of equipment and have to document inspections. Gel pens suck for this. A standard cheap ass cap style bic seems to be the way to go. It’ll bend when I pick up heavy things against my leg, doesn’t break. No dry time to the ink. I can write on my gloves with it. It just works and who cares if I misplace it. Same reasons I carry one with me hunting.
Yes, I just talked about a pen. I know many of you also carry one...this is a subject even you desk guys can get on topic.
what do you prefer?
Honest to God, don't laugh...
As of 2 weeks ago, I'm rockin' a pocket protector.
I bought a dozen on Amazon to give to some engineers at one of my customers as kind of a gag, but started using one myself and it rocks.
Black pen, red pen, deburring tool, sometimes pencil, and a black comb (for my beard).
When I get home it goes on the special little hall table next to keys, wallet, phone, and is ready to go when I'm ready to go.
I've taken a raft of shit and razzing about it..thankfully I am of the age I don't give a shit.
I'm thinking I'll start a retro trend,