Took possession of the new "toy" today and couldn't wait to get to the range with it. I must say, so far I am more than pleased with this pistol. For as small as it is, it's accuracy is shocking to say the least. I ran a box of 50 rounds through it (Estate 95 gr FMJ) and ZERO problems... nothing, nada, zilch. No misfires, ftf's, fte's... nothing. So far, here are my thoughts on it:
1) The trigger travel is very long. Much longer than I'm used to. But, it's is an extremely consistent pull, and the break is about as crisp as it gets. It feels like a trigger that could be on some upper-end rifles... no shit.
2) You better hold on tight to this thing. It is not a brutal gun to shoot... in fact, it was a pleasure to shoot it. But it will jump around on you if you're not holding on. You don't have to strangle it, but "firm" to "quite-firm" would be a good grip description I guess.
3) I love the magazine. 6-round mag. Fast and very easy to load. Not bulky, but not cheap... Just a simple, lightweight magazine.
4) Take-down is a bit of a challenge. You have to pull the slide back about 1/3 of the way and line up the pin for the slide release with a recess in the slide, then push the pin out from the strong side of the gun. That's the tough part. It's not that you have to be gorilla-strong to do it... It's just such a small gun that it's awkward to get ahold of just right. Once you get that pin out, it's just pull the trigger and off comes the slide like many others.
Obviously the jury is still out, but so far I really like this one.
First twelve shots on the left, and the following six shots on the right. All from 7 yards. Not bad for a 2.5" barrel.