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Political Sub-forum?


Senior Member
Can we get a politics sub-forum in the goof-off lounge? I know there are some guys on here that love talking about politics and I've got a few cool things that I could post...



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If we get a political sub forum that is the only place I will post...and then Riverdude will accuse me of not being a hunter, or that I am some sort of PETA operative. And then he'll tell me if I want to talk politics to find a political forum and not talk about it on a hunting forum. :smiley_breakdance: :smiley_carnaval: :smiley_boogie:

Of course I'm just kidding, RD, what's past is past. ;)


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I like jeffmo...never had a problem with him. I think he is wrong on a lot of things, but I always remained civil with him. We spoke several times through PM...I would like to see him over here. :)


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I don't know. After finding out some people's political views it often times makes me think less of them. Sort of like when you find out someone is a Michigan fan. Automatic deduction of 50 IQ points. Okay, you are a union lemming- minus 50. I sort of like just enjoying this one for being the "go to" hunting forum it is. I guess if it happens I will just need to use the self-discipline I am lacking to not look in there.

No offense meant to the Michigan fans. I know some people were born there and they didn't ask for that to be their birth state. Others just like to go against the grain I guess.


*Supporting Member*
Massillon, Ohio
i like reading the debates, and sometimes I want to chime in, but I think its best I leave my political views to myself. Plus I dont debate very well....If i cant win It just say screw you and im done.....LOL


Senior Member
Saw Pat Toomey this morning (R- PA candidate for Senator). Tossed him a softball question about energy and shook his hand.

(Pat is the guy on the very left, I'm in the second row down the line just a little)


Senior Member
The blonde that I did hook up with and is now dating someone else is at UVA studying law.

Jesse- how could you tell? He is a total douche. He transfered in last year and lived in my suite, right next door. His favorite game was jumping me at 2:30 in the morning when I was stumbling to the bathroom trying to refill my water pitcher before going to bed. Yes, let the jokes begin.


Senior Member
Alright Swanny I'll ask, what's NMBLA? The answer to your question is, yes, he's a candidate running and has a 50-43 lead right now and it was a College Republicans event.

1023- he's a doucher alright. Real wiley and gets all excited about everything. Speaking of douches, the kid further down next to him qualifies for a super douche. Surrounded by them. Kid has the biggest ASS we have ever seen and it's widely (pun intended) known on campus.

For the record, the super short girl in the front row is a target for my buddy (standing in front of me and next to her). I am threatening good old Napoleon that I am going to go after her just for shits and giggles and him not getting any.


The Crew
Swanton, Ohio
Alright Swanny I'll ask, what's NMBLA?

National Man Boy Love Association. Google it, there really is a group called this, for the most part they need to die.

You gotta admit there are some creepy looking fuggers in that pic. You even have a creepy grin going, Jack Nickolson in the Shining esque. Hell I know thats not how you roll but that pic just kinda struck me as creepy.


Senior Member
Just lookin out of the corner of my face. Damn I love how all of these threads you guys are pickin on me!


*Hims a Super Moderator*
dont worry, you stick out like a soar thumb.....j/k

Is that blonde in the white sweater the one you were trying to hook up with?

U kin tell him a wanna be lawyer wif da "shifty eye look" heh heh heh heh :smiley_cigar:

look'n like him just won him first DUI case -
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