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POW! Went the gun


Supporting Member
Ross County

Raw unedited version of shot taken.

Seriously though, I'll work on the write up in a little bit, I have to go hang him and put away some things. "I'LL BE BACK!"

Thanks for all the kind words guys, and THANKS DAVE for getting this started (y)

The rest of what field pics I have.



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Sgt Fury

Sgt. Spellchecker

Raw unedited version of shot taken.

Seriously though, I'll work on the write up in a little bit, I have to go hang him and put away some things. "I'LL BE BACK!"

Thanks for all the kind words guys, and THANKS DAVE for getting this started (y)

The rest of what field pics I have.

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That’s a great looking buck, he’ll make a good looking mount. Congrats again!
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Supporting Member
Ross County
Okay, it has been a rough start to the gun week for me and I’m not going into all the details here, I’ll do that within my journal later on.

If you all remember, this buck entered the property back on the 10th, and I could have easily arrowed him back then at 15 yards, but I gave him a free pass because I felt it was still quite early yet and I thought I could do better with the other bucks I knew were still in the area.

I had multiple encounters with ‘THUNDER’ since the rut began, which was on the 13th and it was the first time this year, I was able to see him within daylight with my own eyes, but the closest he ever got to me over those 3 or 4 different encounters was about 50-55 yards, and the last one was back on the 21st. Since then, ‘THUNDER’ has returned to being nocturnal once again and I still capture him regularly on a TC at one of my setups, but it’s always late when he gets there.


This buck I shot this evening has stuck around the property longer than what I normally have seen strange/roamer bucks stay in the past. I have multiple TC captures of him at the feed station over the last two weeks as well and shared a few here on the forum. There is no doubt that he rutted hard within the immediate area I’d say. In fact, just sending @giles the dick pic earlier, after lifting his legs, it was a quite the chore let me tell ya to get that snapshot. He stunk so bad in the groin and back legs area, I about passed out from the nasty smell.


I heard ROAMER step out into the CRP field heading South from the major and perhaps one of the most popular bedding areas on this side of the property, just to the East, well within bow range, roughly 30 yards away. I could have easily shot him right there, but I thought about it for a bit. Should I shoot him or give him another free pass?

Well, the way this week has been going for me, I decided that if he gives the perfect shot opportunity, then I’ll shoot him and that’s what he did. Pretty much no different than when I first encountered him. It’s as if he truly wanted to be shot, either by arrow and/or gun. He made it that easy for me each time.

So, I have had multiple other opportunities to shoot other decent bucks as well this season during early archery, both here on my home turf and at the other farm. I too past them all up, believing that I have decent odds of doing better knowing what other bucks were still within both locations.

As the clock has now been ticking nearly past of what I know to be that time that our local deer herd through mid gun week or right afterwards, will generally disappear and not return to the immediate area until damn near muzzy season, and that is another justification as to why I simply could not pass up this opportunity that this buck gave me once again this evening.

He is most definitely a mature deer, and I did a quick measurement of his rack spread, which is 21 inches. He has decent mass, good character and quite the typical eight-point rack but does have the shorter tines. I am just going to do a European mount for him, which I think will turnout really good and look real nice on the wall.

Yes, he was not my #1 target for this property, however I am happy with him. He is the first antlered deer that I finally decided, wanted or able to harvest off this property. I have given so many free passes over the last five deer seasons here at my home grounds. I also have had several close calls on sealing the deal on a couple of others as well that were really good bucks (ROAMERS), however it just did not work out for me and/or was not in the cards at the time.

I have remained calm and patient ever since I moved here and started hunting in Ross Co. I have dealt with and still deal with a lot of bull crap form many slobs of hunters that come into our area, including trespassers and poachers as well. It is a constant battle around my neighborhood, but I am very persistent and determined to leave this place better off than what it was when I first came along.

So, ROAMER is now history and I hope and pray that THUNDER, SHYBUC, TANK and hopefully VEGAS returns at some point soon, that all of them make it well into next year. If so, it should be hopefully another real good deer season for me.

Thanks again everybody for all the kind comments.

Other specific details of all my hunts, including gun week will be in my journal, which I will update soon. I have every intention of hunting tomorrow and right up and into muzzy. Then onto coyotes after that.

Just so you all know too, the outdoor life is my utter passion nowadays, which it has always been to be very honest, and I do live quite the modest lifestyle in order to do what I can afford to do today, which allows me to spend much of my time doing what I completely missed out on as a young adult all the way up until my late 40’s, while raising a family, maintaining a career, running a business, traveling away from home a lot, coaching, furthering my education, so on and so forth, and the list goes on.

Now that my boys are grown and has completely moved on in life. I have more free time today to do what I absolutely love to do, which is to hunt, fish and work within the outdoors in any decent weather condition.

So, when some think I spend a lot of time hunting, to me, that is what I truly care to be doing really. It keeps my head clear and my body in good physical shape. I am as healthy as one can be for my age and if I stay away from today’s politics, I’m usually stress free as well.

The outdoor life is where I’ll always be at no matter what, and that's where you'll find me!

Thanks again all!
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