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Prayers for my Dad.


Senior Member
Hey all, just heard from Brian. Here is his text he sent to me.

Hey bud they postponed dads heart cath today and are doing it tomorrow morning.The heart doc said he does not have pneumonia which is great but still has alot of fluid built up around his heart.Will know how much damage was done after the heart cath tomorrow and will know if he needs surgery to repair anything. He has also been coughing up blood and they are really concerned about that so should hopefully know everything tomorrow. Will touch base with you tomorrow.Thanks!


Senior Member
Just spoke with Brian again and got an update.

Dad is doing good right now just some trouble breathing but the oxygen is helping, he had the heart cath and had 80 per cent blockage so they were thinking open heart surgery but decided on stint instead due to his condition and fluid on his heart. Had miminal damage from the heart attack which is great news and his coughing blood is from the CHF. Next step is getting the fluid under control.
I have had about 5 hrs sleep the last 2 days and am wore out so I can only imagine how pops feels. Dad did ask if I have been out hunting, lol. told him not till we get him out of here.He sure had a big smile when I showed him pics of the doe I got with my recurve saturday.
I will say getting the news from Rick shooting that nice buck last night really picked me up. Thx again Don and tell everyone at Too thanks for all the prayers we really appreciate it.