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Prayers for my Dad.


Senior Member
Just got a couple texts from Brian with updates about his dad.

Dad is doing fair today... they did xray's and he has pneumonia in both lungs now, not good news but he is tough so just hoping for the best.Still in good spirits though.

His heart is doing good still working on the fluid but now trying to get the pneumonia under control.thx

Heading back to the hospital later and going back tomorrow and after that might try and sit in a stand for a couple hours tomorrow evening just to clear my head.


Senior Member
Just wanted to pass on the update I just got from Brian.

Dad had the kidney doctor in today as he is having some problems, they say the dye causes this from the heart cath, the doc said they are doing a little better but he is still battling pneumonia.
His heart is doing good today but they did say the muscles are weak from the heart attack.He has not been up walking yet as he is so short of breath.
It was nice last night as all my brothers and sisters were there together.I am going to get a couple hours in the stand this evening and am really looking forward to it.Talk to you later bud.

Yea need a little tree time to clear my head.Tell them I am still
going to try hard to make it down to Strouds Friday.

It just seems like every time something goes in his dad's favor something else comes up to set him back. All of Brian's brothers and sisters were there yesterday and that helped raise Brian's and his dad's spirits.
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*Supporting Member*
sorry for being behind the ball on this one! I will start praying for your father ASAP!



Senior Member
Just got an update from Brian so I thought I would pass it along.

Hey bud i'm doing ok thx for checkin.
Dad is feeling a little better today his oxygen count was up a little so that is good and he has been up and walking just a little which is great,he just gets out of breath so easy.
Now if he just get over pneumonia things might start looking up. I tell you it is a really hard thing to watch your dad go through something like this.
Dad has always been in such great health until this so we are thankful for that, it is still hard but I keep thinking of growing up and him farming all his life he has always been tough as nails and been there for us kids, living that lifestyle growing up I would not trade it for anything.Can still remember riding on grandpa and dad's shoulders when I was 4 or 5 out coon hunting.lol Some great memories.
Tell everyone to just keep praying for him.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Thought of you and your dad while in the stand this morning. Keeping you in my prayers.


Senior Member
Passing on the good news update about Brian's dad

Things are looking better for dad today.
They took him off oxygen and he is breathing good on his own and up and walking just has some pneumonia still but not as bad.
He is eating good and feels so much better than last week.
They are talking like he might get to go home soon if everything continues to improve. Thanks to everyone for the prayers they really are appreciated.Looking forward to getting back on TOO after things settle down here and we get dad home.
Also still going to try and make it to Strouds friday and saturday. Thanks again.