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Question about hunting on your own land, but entering a neighbor's land to retrieve a killed deer


I'm a first time deer hunter. I purchased some land in Delaware county and have been watching some bucks pretty regularly on a trail cam about 10 to 15 yards from a blind I set up. I will only be hunting on my land and recently learned I don't need a hunting license or permit. The ODNR also says as long as I have permission and I take no hunting devices, I can enter my neighbor's property to retrieve a deer I shot on my land but that died on their property. So, as long as I leave my bow on my property, I am not technically "hunting" in their eyes.

With that said, is it necessary to get written permission, rather than verbal permission if I leave my bow on my property and drag the deer from their property to back to mine?

Does anyone have any personal experience with this? I have the forms ready if I need them, but seems like overkill to just tag/retrieve a deer. Especially if one neighbor is hard to reach. Just curious what other folks have done in this situation. Written permission makes more sense if I am actually hunting on private property.

Get at least verbal permission. Trespassing doesn’t involve hunting.

I totally agree. I forgot to mention I did get verbal permission last week from the neighbor that is hard to reach (he's only farming the land, not living there). The other three neighbors live on their property and I will just knock on their door if a deer happens to run that way.

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Senior Member
Supporting Member
I'd definately pay a visit to your neighbors and ask for permission BEFORE you even begin hunting... Who knows they may even say you can hunt it... If they don't like the idea of you retrieving a deer on their property, then set up as far away from that property line as possible to give yourself a buffer zone....

Hunter II

Junior Member
I have found some neighbors on Facebook and messaged them for permission. I think a digital ok would stand up in court.

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Verbal is great as long as the game warden isn't around if I'm not mistaking, I believe by law written is needed to enter others property