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Quiver Question

What do you do with your Quiver

  • It comes Off???

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Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NE Ohio
I was wondering what you do with your quiver once you get in the stand.
When I still hunt, its on the bow however when I get in a tree stand, I take mine off and secure it to a limb or the tree within reach. ( although I've never had a opp. to do a follow-up shot)
Some have said the bow will shoot differently w/ it on but I've never see a difference.

DJK Frank 16

Senior Member
Supporting Member
Hardin County
I usually hang it from by bowhanger or when I attach my fanny pack to the tree I will secure it between the pack in the tree. I've also used limbs, pretty much anywhere I can tuck it so that I can easily reach another/different arrow if needed.


Now Posts as Jesse..
SE Ohio
Who makes that? Sounds cool

I spent most of the morning trying to figure that out. I bought them at the big show in PA a few years back. I think I have another one at my house still in the package. I'll see if I can't find it. You can't find a better screw-in hanger. They start in any tree, fold the size of my thumb and the arrow hanger is a bonus. Like $3 a piece at the show...


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Southeast Ohio
I take my quiver off. I have a bracket that screws into the tree and the quiver attaches to that. I shoot well with my quiver on, I just prefer a little lest weight and vibration.


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
My quiver is a hip worn type so I can't attach it to my bow. Been there done that and didn't like it. When I get into my stand I find a 3" screw works well or a nearby branch. On my Gorilla hang - on it secures to the tree by chain so I can hang it on one of the links.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NE Ohio
if you only take one or two arrows you dont need a quiver.

I figured you'd say something like that Hoot.
You're harvests are just outstanding. Wish I could see footage of the whole thing!
I admire the hell out of that. Hats off to ya!:smiley_clap::smiley_cheer::smiley_clap:


*Hims a Super Moderator*
Lady across da street makes muh quiver - :smiley_breakdance::smiley_breakdance::smiley_breakdance: