Well Bluedog I finally made it out today and boy did we make a day of it.... I left the house at 0730 and just got back and finally finished up the cleaning up of the meat... Dogs are fed, watered and are probably sleeping right about now in a bed of cedar chips....
First stop netted one run into a swamp and no sightings.... One and only run there but we didn't have a good feeling about the place anyway... Stop #2 we talked to the owner and he's been seeing a lot all summer and fall, and they're doing a number on his berry bushes and wants them gone.... We had six runs and I went 4 shots netting 3 rabbits (first time out with COBS old O/U that I purchased off of him) My buddy went 0 for 3 and wasn't happy but sometimes it works out that way... We were there for about 3 hours and the dogs were running them the whole time... Last stop of the day, we had 2 very long runs and they brought them around 3 to 4 time each but do to the thickness of the area we couldn't get any good shooting in... I threw lead at one of them twice with no luck, both were really stretching the capabilities of the old .410 but I was on a role and went for it lol... No luck, but they live for another day :smiley_clap: :smiley_blackeye:
But for the first time out this year we had a good day and the dogs did exactly what they're supposed to do, we probably could of done better in the getting dept but oh well that's hunting... Can't wait until the next go around, there were only two of us due tothe OSU/Mich game noone wanted to miss it, although I am a big OSU fan what the heck that's why I bought a droid, I can get updates... We did talk to all three land owners and they were happy we were back for another year to thin out the heard..

The picture is from the second stop and I had the first one on the ground and they jumped another and it ran about five feet from where the the first one was down so two rabbits in a matter of 5 feet apart in less the five minutes... The dog on the left is Penny, a red bone mix and the one on the right is Katey who is a bluetick mix, Pennies in her 9th year and Katey in her 6th and both are doing a good job for us :smiley_clap: