Well I wasnt gonig to come pick your ass up. haha I was gonig to offer to take your son out this weekend to shoot a deer if you couldnt make it out with him.
Leaving me stranded is not so kind, but offering to take my son hunting is a great gesture on your part! I should be able to get out for the weekend and a few hrs after work. I think it took me about 2 hrs to get to Strasburg the last time I was down there. If something changes and we can work something out I'll shoot you a pm with my number.
Thank you for the offer Kaiser!
Back to the truck, it was my alternator that went out. My dash lights started going dim and then my battery gauge was going down. Little by little I was loosing everything. I called my labor foreman and had him pick me up in my work truck. After rush hour died down we went back and took one of the batteries out of the 350 and put it in my truck. It fired right up and I was able to get it into the mill where I can work on it, and not pay a tow bill back to Warren. I usually leave it there all week and drive the other truck so it will probably sit there all week and through the weekend before I touch it. That is unless I make plans to hunt some where's this weekend.
It was just a hell of a way to come back to work and to start out a Monday.
By the way, I made it home by three and we made the stand for the last hour. Seen three turkies, but no deer.