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Redcloud's 12/13 hunting log


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
At 6:20pm I decided I had enough of waiting to see something happen so I wanted to try and MAKE something happen. Pulled out the Flextone and started grunting. Just a few minutes later at 6:30 this guy come walking in looking around lol.

I got my digital cam out but it was a little dark and didn't want to have the flash go off so the pics look like crap lol. I shot him with the camera and let him walk to live another day. This little guy seems to like it back here as well. Over the last week I have 6 different bucks working in this area. Hope Big 10 makes a slip-up and I get him in there while I am there.

I also found one other thing very interesting on the card. This doe with her late born fawn that still sports some bright white spots. Looks more like an August or September pic then the 2nd week of October.

That's all I seen and that was the hunt adventure for this evening.


*Supporting Member*
Crawford county
Man, That fawn has a tough row to hoe. With the rut coming up she might kick it off soon, and we are expecting a harsh winter. hope it makes it.

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Pretty cool stuff right there! That fawn is the product of what I have seen for the last ten years or so on the Fayette Co. property....a very late breeding. I swear we have a better "rut" in January than we do in November.


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
Your welcome Ric lol

Man, That fawn has a tough row to hoe. With the rut coming up she might kick it off soon, and we are expecting a harsh winter. hope it makes it.

I was thinking the same. The fawn is pretty healthy and fat but with no winter coat and the temps dropping if momma kicks it out that fawn will burn that body fat off quick trying to keep warm enough. Should make it but it ain't going to be easy.


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
Pretty cool stuff right there! That fawn is the product of what I have seen for the last ten years or so on the Fayette Co. property....a very late breeding. I swear we have a better "rut" in January than we do in November.

Looks like this year might be different Brock. I have bucks lip curling scent and checking does already. Kind of crazy and I can't wait till November this year lol.


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
Been a while since I updated this thing. I haven't been out hunting since the TOO hunt at Strouds so not much to update lol.

Thinking about heading out in a few minutes to spend the rest of the day in the new stand and see what walks by. Hope big 10 is in the area and gives me a crack at him today or tomorrow. If not then I have from the 9-16th to try and get him. Will report back when I get home.



#1 Doe


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
I didn't make it to my stand until around 3:30 this afternoon. Had a small 6pt walk by and walk out toward the pasture but as soon as he cut my trail he turned and started back toward me. He came back and milled around eating some green browse and headed on down the woods and around the corner. Looked back to my left a little bit later and seen another buck about 80 yards away heading to the pasture then turn and head north up the ridge. Never got a good look at his headgear but I know he was slightly better then the one that went by me. At last shooting light I climbed down and collected the 2 broadheads that had fallen out of my quiver as I was hauling my gear up and headed for the truck. At the far end of the pastures I crossed the river and as I stepped out of the weeds I see 5-6 blobs with whitetails take off jump the fence and head on back around the other end of the pasture. It was to dark to tell what they was for sure but if I had to guess I would say some doe and yearling fawns that was getting ready to cross the same spot of river as I was so they could go into the hidden pastures to eat some apples.

Will be back out in the morning and see what turns up.


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
Setup on the ground this evening waiting on the does to make the same route they did lastnight as I was coming across the river. I need to return the hooked on phonics and get them the rosette stone because they sure didn't read the script because I seen NOTHING this evening.

Off work starting Friday-Friday so something will hit the dirt lol.


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
This south wind sucks for my stands right now. Everything would be downwind so trying to decide what to do now lol. Smoked up clothes and just use some estrous ?


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
Soooo. This morning didn't go as planned and got into it with the wife instead. Great way to start my day.

Got out to the woods at 9:30 and pulled out the smoker

Then the bait to pile up

Got into my stand just before 10am and sat there for just over an hour. Climbed down at 11:15