Just drove out around the block and seen the farmer is taking down the corn. Will be out in the morning and hunt as much as I can tomorrow. No corn = deer will be back in the woods and makes me happy happy happy :smiley_clap:
If I waited until it was cool outside to hunt I would never get to hunt! Go kill a deer, Adam!!
Keep at it Adam, it's bound to get better soon!
That's what I keep telling myself lmao.
Heading out here in a few to try it again this evening.
Yes but your deer have no fat and very thin winter coats
How long after you shoot one down there do you have to get it field dressed and butchered before it spoils ? I always wondered about you southern state fellas.
They are still good for about 6-8 hours. Much past that and you are gambling'. Haha.
Dude taht's a pig of a buck!! good luck with the fugtards.