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Ric and Karissa's hunting journal for the 2016-2017 season


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Karissa has a big Org Chem exam tomorrow and has been studying really hard this weekend. Today she set up the deer target gathered her two remaining arrows with field points and shot 2 from 20 straight away and 2 from 20 at a nice quartered away angle. Out of the blue she sends me two pics with, "Pretty happy considering I haven't shot since last weekend!"

Told her to put bow away and keep smiling! :smiley_clap:

She's pumped for her next hunt which will prolly be next Friday night or Saturday morning.:pickle:


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
I hunted 4 hours this morning and saw one nice 2.5 year old that gave me multiple shot ops from 15-30 yards this morning at 9:04 to 9:08. Then about 9:45 I had 4 antlerless come between 13-32 yards and only one gave me shot ops.

I slipped out of the stand a little before noon as I had wood to split today. Got about 1.5 cord split then re-smoked our clothes and headed back out around 3:45. I hunted a different stand at the other end of the main beanfield about 200 yards away from the stand I hunted in the morning. All settled in at 4:15 and climbed down at 7. Saw a small 8 over in the corner where I was at this morning and had 2 doe come out with 65-70 yards and start milling around in the beans.

Here's my/our updated stats

Deer Sightings 18
Buck Sightings 4
Doe's and other deer Sightings 14
Yote Sightings 0
Turkey Sightings 1(flock of 15-20 far hillside 1/2 mile away)

Number of sits 20
Hours hunted 27.50
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You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Karissa's confidence is really good right now. Today she grabbed the range finders and her bow and shot a couple arrows from 30 yards and sent me a pic. Ole dad is pretty proud how well she's shooting right now!

My vacation starts Friday and from then on out I'm hunting daylight to dark. Karissa will be joining me sometime in the early afternoon on a Friday and all day Sat and hopefully most of Sunday. Can't wait!


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Thanks guys!

Just 2.5 more hours then it's prepping for tomorrow's first all dayer of the year! Karissa plans on slipping up in with me in the afternoon after she gets home from school and gets ready. She'll just park beside my truck and l'll let her know when the coast is clear for her approach. Can't wait till morning....:pickle: