It's a sad day, this coming Saturday's fur auction, because that will more than likely be the official closing of my 2014-2015 trapping season. I really don't see myself sending furs to Canada, that is if the prices don't completely tank locally. I had a great season and even though my first ever fox once again eluded me I did catch my first ever, actually two, mink. I felt good with the number of coon I caught, 35 with 28 skinned 27 for auction and one big boar off to the tannery. I finished up with 27 rats,26 for auction. And one off to the tannery. 2 buck mink with 1 for auction and one getting tanned. 32 grinners with all but a few released, I know kill the turkey egg suckers, next year no free passes for the trap pluggers. Haha. 4 skunks, 3 for auction and 1 getting tanned. And last but not least 1 Yote that's getting tanned TOO. So many great memories and even if I don't break even, which I am sure I won't, I wouldn't trade the memories for anything.