You guys get out of bed yet?
You only wish you saw what we saw today to wrap things up!
We had 3 birds hammering by 5:45 this morning, but they worked away from us off the roost. Around 7 they were back where they started and we made a move that should have worked. They're last gobbles had them 100 out and only slightly above our set up, then it went stone dead. Never saw or heard them again.
We moved to a different farm after that and put the stalk of all stalks on two hens and a jake trying to get to the same field where we were headed yesterday when we got busted. After they moved off, we set up in the same spot as yesterday. It was slow for the first half hour, then I caught a faint gobble about 300 yards to our 1 o'clock. After two more faint gobbles, JB threw out some sweet nothings, then nothing. After 20 minutes, JB coaxed a single gobble and I was able to pinpoint the "bird". JB asked if we could see it from the opposite corner of the field and I figured we could, so we snuck over there to get a peek at the bird we had been hearing. That's when we shit our pants at the sight before our eyes...
To be continued...