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Sgt Fury’s 2020 NJ and Ohio deer season

Sgt Fury

Sgt. Spellchecker
Saw three different squirrels carry off corn. I’m gonna have to save the cob corn for my swamp stand and go get some loose corn for this pile. Haven’t seen turkeys at this stand so the loose stuff should last a while. Damn turkeys are like vacumes, that’s why I usually stick with cobs.
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Sgt Fury

Sgt. Spellchecker
Tonight had a doe come in then leave. Around 4:00 five does came in. After 20 minutes, one doe looked at me and started doing the old head bob. She walked to my right trying to get my wind. She was trying for around 15 minutes and came to within 15 yards...she looked left toward the pile and so did I...here comes a 7 pointer (thought t was an 8 but one of his brows was broke off). I clicked the hammer back as she started toward him...i raised the gun and hit him the same spot I hit my Ohio buck. Instead of running back into the swamp, the dirty bastard ran straight for private property and a house. I called the warden and he said the only thing I could do was knock on their door and ask for permission to get it. There was nothing he could do for me. After knocking and no answer or car in the driveway, I decided it’s better to retrieve it then to let it rot 80 yards from their house. I drug it 40 yards to the property line, then checked it in. Called a friend to see if he could use some deer meat and he jumped on it. After tagging, gutting and dragging, I had forgot to take pics in the field. My old gun club is where my friend was at so I went there for dinner and a beer. His daughter took a pic of me with the deer. They are going to hang it for the rest of the week and count it toward their total....I think they have 17 or 18 now including mine. Rebaiting tomorrow and hunting again tomorrow afternoon. You’re allowed two bucks during buck week so I’ll try for one more. Then we have black powder and winter bow. Nice to be retired! This time last year I was still working.😂


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Whoa..... Wait a minute.... So you trespassed without permission???? And you talked about my not wearing hunter orange.... :eek: :eek:
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I simply knocked on the door and picked up a dead deer I found at the back of their property on the way out!😂 And I didn’t need to use a quad!
Oh... Ok so you just went over to give them some holiday cheer and you tripped over a dead deer on your way back home....:unsure: I guess your ok then..