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seems like a lot of people on here are very quick to jump to conclusions...
Not at all. The thing about this forum is you will see people want to get to know new posters first. If you are new to a group of people wouldn't you introduce yourself, tell everyone a little about yourself and what you bring to the table? Often first forum posts that only ask for something right off the bat usually go sideways because of this.


Supporting Member
S.W. Ohio

Big Weff

Junior Member
I will also add some content to this thread, not a hunting story but every time I bring home a new shed my oldest sons (3 years) eyes light up and I swear he’s more excited than I was finding it... if he’s not with me. Also as soon as I got home from work today he told me the fish were probably biting and we should go to the pond.


Staff member
Not at all. The thing about this forum is you will see people want to get to know new posters first. If you are new to a group of people wouldn't you introduce yourself, tell everyone a little about yourself and what you bring to the table? Often first forum posts that only ask for something right off the bat usually go sideways because of this.

I've been on forums since 2004 and have owned this one since 2010. This style of first post is uncouth and shows no effort to get a feel for the place before posting. It's not an indictment, just an observation. Plenty of time to get acquainted and maybe it's a long, illustrious relationship, but you're gonna need to buy me dinner before you get to see my bedroom.
I will also add some content to this thread, not a hunting story but every time I bring home a new shed my oldest sons (3 years) eyes light up and I swear he’s more excited than I was finding it... if he’s not with me. Also as soon as I got home from work today he told me the fish were probably biting and we should go to the pond.
Love it man, stories of all kinds can play or make a big change in someone's life and you may never know it. Let them fly!!

I've been on forums since 2004 and have owned this one since 2010. This style of first post is uncouth and shows no effort to get a feel for the place before posting. It's not an indictment, just an observation. Plenty of time to get acquainted and maybe it's a long, illustrious relationship, but you're gonna need to buy me dinner before you get to see my bedroom.
Man, I'm sorry for ruffling so many feathers.
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brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I had an “outfitter” borrow one of the trailcam pics I’d shared with a friend to boost his business via his webpage. To be clear, he’s a crook, liar, thief and I do not like him much. While a bunch of his drunken clients were sighting in their guns across the road from my house at his “lodge”, I went to see him. He had just tried to run me off a property I’ve had permission to hunt for 25 years, claiming he’d leased the ground. I went to the landowner and found he had not even paid the rent for his “lodge”, let alone leased the land he sold as “exclusive “ to his clients. To say I’m not trusting of any of Ohio’s outfitter types is an understatement. Sorry if I’m too quick to pass judgement.

Welcome aboard.


Staff member
It doesn't help when the same first post gets put up on a half dozen sites within 48 hours of one another. To a forum owner, that's considered spam, so no judgment here, just an assessment of the facts.

@OhioWRO, you're welcome here if your intentions are rooted in a love for the outdoors and the community that goes with it. If this was just a clever ploy to make your name more relevant in Google's search algorithm, save that for Archery Talk, Hunting.net, or the PA and MI forums. 😎


Junior Member
NW Ohio
Absolutely, Being a outfitter its really hard to pin point one specific memory because they're all worthy of being written about. But hands down the memories we have had with my children are on the very TOP of our list. This was opening morning of the youth season up in Michigan, the first year my youngest son was able to finally get behind the gun. I sat the blind weeks in advance overlooking a alfalfa field that I knew was being pounded by a good group of Bachler bucks. The morning sun came up, my two boy and myself were waiting still and quit for the first deer to walk into the field. Shortly after the sun peeked over the trees the first deer stepped out, a young doe and 2 fawns. As they milled around our focus quickly drifted away from the corner the deer like to come out of and would you know it we look back and there stood the first buck, chaos erupted as we scrambled to get my youngest boy set and ready for what looked like his first buck. Out of no where, just before the shot the buck bolted back into the woods, As you can imagine everyone was heart broken. That didn't last long when right out of the corner stepped these 2 bucks. now we have a real opportunity here, both boys had their hunting licenses but we only had one gun. Rule was, youngest first then my other boy, (he's shot a few bucks at this point) so he steadied the gun, squeezed the trigger and BOOM the buck dropped right there. Now the chaos really started, the second buck stood there looking like "what just happened" the boys quickly switched seats and Boom just like that, 2 bucks hit the dirt, never took one step. as you can imagine hugs and high fives filled the blind. I'll never forget that day the rest of my life.
Sooo are you an outfitter that lives in Michigan??
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