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Shed season 25'


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
Well.... I contacted a local taxidermist about restoring the antlers. :unsure: It's only $100 for the first 6" of antler and $25 per inch afterwards. :oops:
Pass....hard pass!!! (n)🚫 I also found out, from that taxidermist, that you have to get a permit (it's free) from the GW, for the head with antlers attached. :rolleyes: I called and left a message on his voice mail and am awaiting a return call.

Big Weff

Junior Member
Found my first roadie of the year yesterday. Permission asked and granted, just to get that out of the way. OnX makes it to easy to verify a landowner on the fly. I love it. It had been there a while and I’d probably driven past it about 40 times but the overcast was perfect for spotting them yesterday combined with the fact it was getting sun bleached. I actually saw 2 more, one being a really nice 4 point side but landowner wasn’t home.