This was sure a great day! I was so disappointed I wasn't there with Dad and Ron when dad killed his first deer with his crossbow. It was just after Thanksgiving and I am helping my family at the house near Cincinnati put up our X-mas tree and other decorations when out of the blue I get a phone call from my dad telling me he just killed his first buck with his crossbow. He went hunting and never mentioned to Ron or I he was going down to our cabin and hunt awhile this particular day. He caught Ron by surprise as well but he at least was able to help dad field dress his deer and get him out of the woods. He actually saw two bucks walking up the point he was on before he shot and ended up shooting the smaller of the two because he didn't have as good a shot at the larger one but he didn't GOTTA LOVE IT!
This 6 point had a big body and appeared to have some age to him. We were very proud of him!!! It was cold enough he was able to let him hang a few days till I came down for the Sunday before gun season and I got to help skin out his deer and take pictures and video of him and his deer. This will be forever etched in both of our memories!
Dad and Ron with his deer:
Dad and his deer:
This isn't hunting but a pic from back in 1969 I think of dad and Ron and I on a fishing trip we all three talked about years later. We lived in Zanesville at the time but dad took us to a farm pond across the river from Duncan Falls on a farm owned by the Dozers(sp?). I caught the one and only channel cat that weighed close to 4 pounds this day. I couldn't hardly hold it up! rotflmao
The farmer caught that cat from the Muskingum river nearly 15 years prior and turned it loose in his pond but could never catch it again. Hence the term, "beginners luck" was born. lol