I would suggest staying away from the 22's/17's. Go with 223 or bigger. Morning are good, but evenings can be too. Really, there are guys that go out all day and have success. I am not one of them. I never have success. In regards to calls? Wounded rabbit? Distressed fawn? Wounded wood pecker? Kittens? There are many. If it sounds like a meal to them, then it should work. I have had better luck using a decoy. When they come in, they are going to be looking for whatever is making the noise. If you have $30-50 to spend on a decoy, I think it would be well worth it. I have honestly not had a ton of success yet. I have volleyed some rounds at a coyote, but have not connected yet. Maybe I shouldn't be giving any advice. I have studied it intensely though, and the majority consensus is to stay away from the 17hmr or 22's. Just not enough juice there unless you get a head shot.
The decoy for me is when i started to see them a bit. I am afraid prior to using the decoy I was just educating them to my location. I think this is why I wasn't seeing them.