or 7 out of 10? The pictures must do it a lot of justice then. I think it looks great.
That's how they roll in IowaDamn... Those look great.. Was that Starbucks coffee?
That's how they roll in Iowa
I rarely buy coffee from any shops or fast food places. I don't like mine hot, it takes too long to drink itYou couldn't pay me to drink Starbucks...... IMO best coffee is McDonalds.... And its only a buck...
Used some coffee and tea mixed together. Did some brushing, then just grabbed it and rubbed it in with my hands.
Let it dry, then hit the bases with the air compressor to remove the grinds and wiped it off.
I'd give it a 6 or 7 out of 10. Not perfect, but added color and looks much better.
Now if I can just get this damn coffee smell off my hands.
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I was told to stain it dark as I wanted the bases. Then use steel wool at base of tine and squeese harder as I go towards the tip in a sanding motion.
Post up those before and after picturesI’ve just started staining a couple of my bleached sheds. I found a recipe that works well on You-Tube. A potassium permanganate and water solution. It applies with a sponge or brush as a purple water color, then dries as a brown tint. It works great!