I've been thwarted a few times trying to get switch grass established to add screen and a softer edge to some plots.
I think I've gotten the process and timing down in TOO. These are first year frost seeded Big Rock switch.
1. Kill the area hard in the fall - ok to have a winter annual - this had rye and crimson clover.
2. Frost seed switchgrass in Jan when there's no snow, I do about 8#/acre.
3. Spray Simazine 2.5 Quarts / acre prior to greenup, I've had good luck during a thaw in late Feb or early March.
4. Hard kill right where you frost seeded and sprayed simazine just past greeenup - Mid Apr - start of turkey season with 2 quarts Gyl (41%) and 1 pint 24D Ester / Acre - Switchgrass germinates about the same time soil temp as corn.
Established switchgrass seedlings in three areas from these steps above.
I have one area with 2 y/o switch grass from the same planting/establishing method. THe 'dead grass on the left of the plot.
1. Mow the first year to clip other annuals down to the height of the swtichgrass.
2. Over spray simazine at the same time you do for establishing a new switchgrass plot.
First years end of year look.
Second year switchgrass along the left of the plot.
I think I've gotten the process and timing down in TOO. These are first year frost seeded Big Rock switch.
1. Kill the area hard in the fall - ok to have a winter annual - this had rye and crimson clover.
2. Frost seed switchgrass in Jan when there's no snow, I do about 8#/acre.
3. Spray Simazine 2.5 Quarts / acre prior to greenup, I've had good luck during a thaw in late Feb or early March.
4. Hard kill right where you frost seeded and sprayed simazine just past greeenup - Mid Apr - start of turkey season with 2 quarts Gyl (41%) and 1 pint 24D Ester / Acre - Switchgrass germinates about the same time soil temp as corn.
Established switchgrass seedlings in three areas from these steps above.
I have one area with 2 y/o switch grass from the same planting/establishing method. THe 'dead grass on the left of the plot.
1. Mow the first year to clip other annuals down to the height of the swtichgrass.
2. Over spray simazine at the same time you do for establishing a new switchgrass plot.
First years end of year look.
Second year switchgrass along the left of the plot.
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